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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #2661
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    What I actually did on Monday in Seattle, bone tired after a seminar weekend, over the course of about 7 hours with a very patient Comrade Campitelli.

    Squat - SBD + belt
    500x1 @6.5; 529x1 @8; walkouts at 573, 595; 467x3 @8; 401x5 @7
    Notes: Worked up to opener (530), heavier walkouts, then back off sets. Had to use approximate weights since plates were all kilos. Left knee felt fine till the 529 rep, stabbed a little on the descent so got a bit loose but it still moved well. Should be a solid opener. Walkouts felt heavy as hell, back-offs were a bit slow but all OK.

    Press - belt + wrist wraps
    225x1; 243x1x2 @9.25,9; 225x3 @9; 203x5 @8
    Notes: Didn't have my recent press mojo back all the way, but a lot better than Friday when 247 was @10. My press does weird things sometimes with arm/shoulder fatigue but I'm hopeful I'll be able to put in a decent performance Sunday.

    Deadlift - belt, mixed grip
    419x2, 474x1, 507x1, 535x1 (misload 540), 562x1 @8, 485x3, 441x4 (hook)
    Notes: This was actually the most encouraging. My erector had been super slow to heal, essentially no better at all over 2.5 weeks. Even on Friday, 180kg didn't feel that great. Then suddenly over a weekend of a lot of work and little sleep, it got a lot better. I thought I'd top out at 200 or so, but it felt good so I kept going up to 255/562, about my planned last warm-up for a 600 opener. I'll probably reduce my opener (and planned attempts) anway, but felt good about being able to do this at all given the back situation of late.

    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 10-21-2015 at 02:21 PM.

  2. #2662
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Costa Mesa, CA


    Good to hear that you got a good training day in after Friday and the seminar. I think those are vera nahce openers.

  3. #2663
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Niki Sims View Post
    Good to hear that you got a good training day in after Friday and the seminar. I think those are vera nahce openers.
    I was wondering how nahce those openers were. I'm so glad to hear that they are, in fact, not only nahce but vera nahce.

  4. #2664
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    I think the scale goes: Nahce < Real Nahce < Vera Nahce[emoji769]

  5. #2665
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Austin Baraki View Post
    I think the scale goes: Nahce < Real Nahce < Vera Nahce[emoji769]
    Which version of the Texas Method is the Vera Nahce version? Is that what you do after running it out and cycling ID?

  6. #2666
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Last workout before the meet. Having some issues with Wolf's Disease.

    Squat - rehbands
    45x8x2, 135x5, 225x4, 275x3, 315x3, 335x3x2
    Notes: These felt OK. Left knee was mostly cooperative, still a tiny twinge.

    45x8, 95x6, 135x5, 165x5, 185x3x2
    Notes: Here's the Wolf's Disease. My shoulders and tris are still dealing with this weird fatigue, where it feels heavy as soon as I take it out of the rack, and I have no strength to push through the sticking point at/right above my head. It's happened to me a few times before, and never has there been any prior indication that it was coming. My press goes from killing it to dead overnight, and it usually takes 3-8 weeks to clear out. For example, this past press cycle was the best I've had in about two years. Last Monday, I had to stop myself from doing more than 6 work sets because they were just flying up. If I had been going strictly by RPE and a fatigue percent, I would've kept going. But I stopped after 6 sets since I knew I had a meet coming up. Felt great though. And then suddenly on Friday, despite an extra day of rest, my press sucked. I could feel it as soon I took 80kg out, which is only around 65% of 1RM. But it felt heavy, like my shoulders just had this deep fatigue. It's not totally bizarre that maybe there was some built up fatigue from the press cycle that just kicked in then, but since everything felt great up until then, including Monday, it would be weird for it to last long. Yet it persisted into Monday's openers, and again was present today - a bone-deep fatigue in my shoulders and triceps that just doesn't go away, and in the meantime, affects the press significantly.

    As I mentioned, I've had this a few times before and it has taken 3-8 weeks to clear up. Maybe Muscle Jesus will bless me with gains and I'll be fine Sunday. But I have to mentally prepare to take what's there instead of what I think should be there.

    185x3, 275x3, 325x3
    Notes: Just practicing.

    Ring Rows
    BW x 8,8,6
    Notes: Felt good but kept volume low in hopes of allowing more shoulder recovery.

    Openers are still not fully decided. Squat will be 530. Press was going to be 245, but now I'm going to decide based on how I feel my shoulders that morning. DL was going to be 600, but since I missed the last 3 weeks of DL training, will probably reduce to 565-575, and if it's moving, take a bigger jump to my second, and if not, be OK with what I have.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 10-22-2015 at 10:11 AM.

  7. #2667
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Still have the post-meet high and jitters and have to do some programming for the week, so will only ramble on somewhat excessively.

    First, the meet was the most well run and organized I have ever attended (out of I think ~20 meets I've been to as either a coach, spectator, or lifter). People were talking last year about how well run the SS meet was, but I wasn't there to experience it. Wow, is really all I can say. I've been to multiple meets with USAPL, RPS, and USAW and this was by far the most organized and well run. My session of ~30 lifters completed lifting in less than three hours, but not in a rushed, not-enough-time-between-attempts way. And there was ample space and equipment on which to warm up, which is always an issue. And no shortage of chalk, which I've surprisingly seen several times. There could have been a few more plates in the warm-up area but really an excellent meet. Thanks to Justin, Dana, Dr. Petreeeezo, Nick D, Rori, Fox, and Margie for excellent work, Lexy at the table, and the spotters and loaders, Pete, Skillin, Roland, Sarah, and anyone else I missed.

    I had a good day overall. Flubbed my press due to lack of preparation, but overall am happy with my total and general performance.

    Squat: 3/3 @ 530, 555, 575 - 13 lb PR. All solid and deep. I had 6 plates today, had I taken it. Was concerned due to the recent left knee twinges that had been throwing me off lately, but the approx 875 aleves I took over the past 4-5 days took care of that, I guess. No knee pain at all today. Went too deep in my squats, I need to stay tighter. But overall happy here. With a bunch in the tank on today's 575, 600 doesn't look too drastically far away.

    Press: 2/3 @ 240, 255, 262.5f. Not great here. My left shoulder was still bugging me a lot as of this morning. Meet adrenaline and maybe the caffeine pills had it feeling ok during warmups, but it was too late to switch my opener back to 245. Which was probably a good thing. 240 and 255 were ok, but not great reps. 262.5 isn't the 270 I wanted but is just 2.5 below my PR. It was still moving up when I lost my sense of where I was in space, and had to step behind to save it, so would've been DQd anyway.

    This happened because I'm used to pressing with a pock-marked wall about 8 ft in front of me, and I focus on a specific mark for focus, balance, and spatial awareness enhancement. With nothing to look at for at least 30 ft in front of me, I was thrown off. This wasn't a strength issue, it was a lack of preparedness issue. Hopefully I will do this meet again, and prepare properly for the meet circumstances. I'm disappointed with the 255, but should've known to prepare for this so I'll do better next time.

    Deadlift: 3/3 @ 575, 615, 650 - 5lb PR and 23lb stiff bar PR. I have been 15+ months without a real DL PR so this made me happiest. I was very concerned since I tweaked my back right as I was getting back up to heavy weights and sets below five this cycle. It was an abbreviated cycle as it was, since I got sick and had food poisoning back to back, so I already wasn't going to be able to work up my pulling as much as I wanted to, then I tweaked it pulling 555 at the coaches' conf after sitting twisted on a plane for four hours from Dallas to NYC. It seemed to be healed up as of this past Monday, but I had missed three weeks of pulling heavy, nothing more than 535x5 and 565x2 since the August 2nd meet. I

    I reduced my opener from 600 to 575 and was thinking I'd probably do 575/605/630 if it was a good day, and be happy with it. I'm the last guy in the flight with my 575, I pull it and it comes up fast but I was still tentative about it because of my back. It moved well, but I was hesitant and slow off the floor (even slower than usual off the floor, which is my weak point). Nick D told me to be confident and commit to the pull, and it was the perfect cue. I pulled 615 fast, and decided to go for the 650 PR. Nailed it with no problem at all.

    Total: 8/9, 1480 total. PRs on the squat and DL.

    Overall I'm pleased and think I made the right attempt selections given what I knew going into the meet. It looks like I could've done 585 and 660 today on the squat and DL, respectively, without excessively straining myself, but given the numbers I had made in training, I assessed that as too big a risk. It's OK, there is always next meet.

    Vid will come when I get it all together.

    #StartingStrength #welookdown
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 10-25-2015 at 10:48 PM.

  8. #2668
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Oh, one more thing. I hate squatting out of ER Racks. They're so light and unstable. They should be better designed to serve the needs of being practical for moving and rack height changes, but not a joke when it comes to stability, with people unracking and re-racking heavy squats.

  9. #2669
    Join Date
    May 2011



    Nice lifting, Wolf.

    Our meet in Chicago was really well run too.

  10. #2670
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program

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