starting strength gym
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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #3121
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Tuesday, 11/15

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Squat Warm-Up
    45x5x2, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5

    Snatch Grip DL
    185x5, 275x3, 335x3 - DOH
    385x3 - belt+hook
    425x3, 445x3, 405x5 - belt+straps
    Notes: Low back much better than last week, still not 100%

    405x5 SGDL on IG

    Bench Press
    320x3 @7.5, 340x3 @9, 355x2 @9.5, 315x3@8
    Notes: Still well behind old numbers but 340x3 and 355x2 are post-op PRs for a triple and double, respectively. I've done 340x5x5 so still a long way to go, but it's nice to have this go up, even if slowly. Elbows hurting here, a lot.

    Ring Rows
    10,9,8,8,8 =51
    Notes: Bothers elbows less than chins.

  2. #3122
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    [Everything hurts and I'm dying.]
    I could get on board with that being our club motto. Wait, do we have a club? We should.

  3. #3123
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Ring Rows
    BWx8x5, BWx5 = 45 total
    Notes: With my elbows still pretty pissed off, chins seem to bother them more, so I just stuck with ring rows.
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    4,5,5,5,5,4 = 28. Elbows still a little tweaky but better than earlier in the week
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Ring Rows
    10,9,8,8,8 =51
    Notes: Bothers elbows less than chins.
    I would assume yes, but have you tried neutral grip chins? When my elbow is pissed (always the left one, for whatever reason), neutral grip feels a lot better than normal chins.

  4. #3124
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Herbison View Post
    I would assume yes, but have you tried neutral grip chins? When my elbow is pissed (always the left one, for whatever reason), neutral grip feels a lot better than normal chins.
    I have done lots and lots of neutral grip pullups long ago. That was before I ever had any elbow-itis issues so don't know if it works better for me, but it's moot because my gym doesn't have any means to do them anyway. It's funny, now that I think about it. I used to work in a super expensive fancy globo gym that didn't have a single straight bar for regular pull-ups or chins. Now I work in a super expensive fancy crossfit gym that doesn't have a single non-straight bar to do neutral grip.

  5. #3125
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Herbison View Post
    I could get on board with that being our club motto. Wait, do we have a club? We should.

    LOL I like this club idea.

  6. #3126
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    New Jersey


    Last edited by Ryan Arnold; 11-16-2016 at 02:16 PM.

  7. #3127
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Herbison View Post
    I could get on board with that being our club motto. Wait, do we have a club? We should.
    I'm down. Looks like Dwayne is down. Let's start it.

  8. #3128
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Thursday, 11/17

    At Atlanta Barbell, after flying in yesterday morning.

    Squat - 3" belt: High Bar and paused low bar triples
    135, 205, 255, 295
    335, 365, 385 405 - belt
    Notes: Once again I haz the happies that my light day work can take me up to 405 again.

    405 Squat high bar/paused low bar comparison on IG

    Press - belt+wraps
    225x1 @9 (belt only, this was a crap rep)
    235x1 @8, 245x1 @8.5, but knees clearly unlocked, 250x1 @10 - good knees, but not a great rep so grinded, 235x1 @9.5 - tired by now
    175x5x2 - dead stop, no 2.0, no stretch reflex
    Notes: The 245 was just an AWESOME rep. I have to look it up, but IIRC 242.5 was my best triple pre-injury and this might've been a triple if I'd gone for it. But my left knee clearly unlocked, more than just incidental. No contribution to the lift but I'd have red lighted it at a meet. So I had to do it again. But it was so easy that I went to 250. And then that was hard AF. Not my hardest, slowest rep ever but hard and slow. Oh well. 250 is still a 10 pound PR post-op. Did some back-off sets of dead stop reps at 175 afterwards.

    250 press on IG

    Clean and Jerk
    - kilos
    20 x warm-up stuff, 40x2, 50x2, 60x2, 70x2, 80x2x2, 90x2
    Power Clean+Push Press
    90x1, 100x1, 110x1
    Notes: Had some abdominal pain so cut it off. Couldn't focus and get footwork right with that distraction.

    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 11-18-2016 at 07:52 PM.

  9. #3129
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Friday, 11/18 at Atlanta Barbell

    Squat - SBDs, belt
    485x2 @6.5, 515x3 @9 - PR!, 475x3 @8
    Notes: Wasn't sure what to expect today between fatigue and travel. But 485 moved so fast I thought about taking it for a PR set of 6, but then thought, "Who gives a shit about a PR set of 6?!" So racked it and saved my energy for a heavier set that would be a PR of consequence. And got a 5 lb PR on my triple. My first freakin PR of any kind since my injury, over a year ago. Very, very happy. The first rep of this set was not properly deep, it was to parallel rather than below and needed another inch. But this is still a huge mental win for me, after such a long physical struggle.

    515x3 squat on IG

    Close Grip Bench
    255x5, 275x5, 300x5, 275x5, 265x5
    Notes: ELbows. Oy vey. Elbows. Really hurting after those squats, really bother my bench. I might need to do advil + a week of high bar/safety bar only to make this go away. Seems like I can low bar as I always do for months and months and thousands of reps, no problem. But one bad set - and what is bad about it that triggers it, I do not know - brings in the elbowitis, and once it's in, my usually fine arm and bar position in squats don't allow it to go away, even though they also don't start it up. After hitting my first true PR in 13 months, a week with lighter work due to being all HBBS and safety bar might not be terrible anyway, and then I can get back to it with a much better bench and somewhat better press, too.

    Deadlift - belt, mixed grip
    455x3, 515x3, 555x3 @7.5, 585x2 @8.5, 495x5 @8.5 - straps
    Notes: 555 moved really well, and that's the most I've pulled for 3 since surgery. 585 moved decently too, and that's my best double since surgery (prior was 565), and I had another rep or two, but I could feel doing it would've pulled my back out of position, so just put it back down. I'm just getting over this small tweak from pulling 600, so no need to be a hero today. 495x5 afterwards was hard but very doable.

    Also of import: Thunderstruck came on just as I was walking up to 555. I might've gotten even more carried away with the karaoke than I did before that 600 pull a couple weeks ago. A lot more. I was doing the whole intro with them. Eventually Sims just said, "So are you going to deadlift?!?" Good times.

    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 11-19-2016 at 08:27 AM.

  10. #3130
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    One more training session at Atlanta Barbell today. I freakin love this gym. In terms of being equipped, laid out, and optimized for the way we train - SS style, with the possible addition of olympic lifting, specific conditioning (sled, rower, bike), and some assistance stuff (dumbbells, lat pull/row, leg press) - it is the absolute best gym I've ever been to. Alex and Dee have a great thing going there. I'd travel quite a bit each way to be able to train there on a regular basis. Alas, not as far as a daily trip from NYC to ATL.

    Squat - high bar, belt, SBDs
    45x5x2, 135x5, 205x5, 255x5, 295x5 - ramping sets
    335x5, 365x5, 385x5, 405x5 (high bar PR, I think), 365x5
    Notes: Only doing HBBS and SSB this week + advil, to try to get rid of the elbow-itis. Wore SBDs since I'll be doing so much knee punching this week. Got very little sleep this weekend so felt like poop, but getting these done felt good.

    405x5 and sample rep from all sets, on IG

    Press - belt, wraps
    45x5, 95x5, 135x5- Ramping sets
    165x5, 185x5, 205x5 @8.5, 195x5x2 @7.5, 7
    Notes: Didn't rest much for these, and didn't push it on any sets. Felt heavy coming out of the rack, moved ok.

    Snatch Grip DL
    185x4, 275x3, 345x3 - DOH
    385x3, 425x3, 455x3, 475x3, 405x5 - straps+belt
    Notes: Moved pretty well and easily today. Left lumbar still a tiny bit tweaky (felt during HBBS also), but not bad. Got to "model" lumbar extension for a client Alex was coaching at the time, who drove quite a ways to come to Atlanta Barbell. Glad to be able to help while doing my own training.

    BWx5x5 - easy. Amazing how much better elbows feel after skipping the LBBS today. Even though it kind of feels like I didn't even squat.

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