Still lighter/deload, and back still isn't 100%, BUT it was a heavier deload day and back continues to improve so I'm happy.
45x5x2, 135x5, 225x5, 275x5
Belt: 315x5, 345x5, 375x3, 405x1, 375x3
Notes: No paused reps today. Still feel my back a little when leaning over, but much less. Everything moved fast, though didn't feel like it.
Power Clean+Push Press
135x2, 165x2, 195x2, 215x2, 235x1, 255x1, 275x1x2
Notes: Felt like doing these before presses today to see if I could get 275 this soon. I did. They weren't pretty but they went up.
2nd of the two singles on IG
315x3, 345x3, 365x3, hook - 385x3, 405x3
Notes: Back felt so much better here than it has, so went up to 405. Which is still light for me, but hey, progress is progress. Don't want to jinx it, but tweak is finally clearing up at least to the point where I can train less restricted again. Hopefully it goes away entirely soon.
165x5, 185x5, 205x2 (b), 215x1 (b), 185x3
Notes: Easy.
BWx4x2 =56 total reps
All in all felt much better/more recovered today than Monday or Weds this week. Hopefully that takes me into a strong ramp-back-up next week, and if my back feels better, I'll be able to squat and DL more, too.