hahaha. Next time you're picnicking in the park in you Sunday best remember what got you there
Wolf's Disease update:
After deciding that ignoring pain is a bad idea and becoming more sensitive to some symptoms, I began to suspect I may also have an inguinal hernia in addition to the ventral hernia that I've known about for a while and for which I have surgery scheduled next week.
After returning from vacation and getting appointments ASAP to confirm or deny, that is now confirmed. I have both inguinal and ventral hernias. So that's awesome.
Awaiting confirmation from the surgeon that they'll just fix the whole thing in one shot next week. In the meantime and assuming they will, I'm just going to rest till surgery. I've been training as best I can, for a year now, with a very fucked up back, a major surgically repaired shoulder, tendinopathy in both knees (3 years on that one), and two hernias. And all in the last couple weeks, still managed a 425x1 and 365x5 bench, a 265x1 press, and a 600x1 and 545x5 DL. But with this now bothering me and diagnosed, too, and only a couple more scheduled workouts anyway so no time to build towards anything more than I've done recently, I'll just have some extra free time for a few days. Coming back in mid-September likely won't be faster to any significant degree whether I did my last workout on 8/7 or 8/14.
RIP training log, for now.
Last edited by Michael Wolf; 08-10-2017 at 10:13 PM.
Best of luck with your procedure and recovery! I'm sure we all look forward to seeing your comeback.
Somehow, somewhere out there...there is a cure for this horrible affliction
Update to the update:
I actually suspected I may have a bilateral inguinal hernia but my PCPs manual test only yielded a positive result for the left, so he only ordered a left side ultrasound. I tried to convince the tech to do both sides anyway but she said she and her colleagues had almost been fired in the past for doing things like that so they only do exactly as ordered by the Drs.
Today, I was finally able to reach my surgeon who I convinced to order a right side, and it looks like that is a positive too. That's just based on the tech telling me, so need to have the radiologist look and send his report and results for the surgeon to review, but looks like I have a bilateral inguinal hernia, in addition to the ventral.
Is anyone who follows my log actually surprised? I'm not.
Wow! I had a inguinal hernia surgery 3 years ago!
We have had the same 2 problems!
It's a very easy surgery though.. no where near as irritating as a labrum repair.
Ya, so update: The combo of being a triple hernia repair and being done open instead of lap (found this out literally last minute, my surgeon claims this was better for a specific issue I have though that is questionable) has been an awful one. Worse than labrum repair in terms of discomfort, capability, and pain. I can finally move around a bit, but was essentially immobile the first 60 hours or so, and any movement at all was super slow, tender, and extremely painful.
I can move around in a limited way now, but still pretty slowly with less ROM and have still not gone outside. Suckitude level very, very high. A couple standard deviations worse than expected. The difference in the first week between open and lap appears to be about the same as the difference between the first week of your training being directly under Rip's coaching vs. this.