Wednesday 2/25
Power Clean: triples up to 315
Deficit Deadlift: 440x5x5
Wednesday 2/25
Power Clean: triples up to 315
Deficit Deadlift: 440x5x5
Last edited by Mark Edward; 02-26-2015 at 10:40 AM. Reason: apparently deadlift from blocks means the opposite of what I thought
Friday 2/27
Bench: 260x5x5
Pullups: 50 total reps or something like that
DB Row: 120x a shitload
Monday 3/2
Squat: 470x3x 4 sets, 470x5
Good Morning: 185x10x 3 sets
Farmer's Walk: 350lbs until done
So what I've been doing lately is what Wendler calls Advanced 5/3/1: week 1 is 75%x5x5, week 2 is 85% for 5 triples, and week 3 is 5 singles at 95%. It seems to be effective. I do an overwarmup and I recently decided to try pushing the last set a little and see how it feels.
Wednesday 3/4
Press: 210x3x4, 210x5
Pullups: 50 reps or something like that
Curls: until coming in the gym
Friday 3/6
Power Clean: up to 315x3
Deficit Deadlift: 500x3x5 sets
Monday 3/9
Bench Press: 295x3x4 sets, 295x5
Pullups: 15 sets of 5
DB Row: 120x20
Wednesday 3/11
Squat: overwarmup to 545, 525x1x4 sets, 525x3
Good Morning: up to 225x10