Got to start doing more work from the hang. We will work on it when you get here.
Got to start doing more work from the hang. We will work on it when you get here.
Squat45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 405x1, 430x4x4@8-9
Press 45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 175x2, 200x5x3@8-9
Today was tough. My body is feeling beat up from all this frequency. Good thing this accumulation phase only lasts 3 weeks. I think I over did the press intensity last week. Right now the plan is on press intensity to hit a heavy single at 90% then drop down and do another 3x5 to accumulate more volume.
Sample of yesterday's lifting:
Great meeting you this past weekend Nick. Best of luck with the Olympic lifts.
Thanks for posting the video Wolf, and it was great meeting you too Billy. Congrats on the 405x5 squat, big milestone.
Started working with Jordan on Monday so from now on I will be posting my macro's listed as protein/carbs/fat/fiber in my log, after the workout. Also I changed the way I'm recording my sets, I'm no longer including the plethora of warmup sets and I'm adding a RPE after the strength lifts.
Snatch Singles
100, 105, 110x, 110, 115, 120x, 120x, 120x
Hang Clean Doubles + Power Jerk
100, 105, 105, 105, 110
Squat 455x3@8, 455x3@9, 455x3@9, 455x3@10
Press 210x5@8, 210x5@9, 210x5@9
8/7 Off
Front Squat 315x3@7, 365x3@8, 365x3@8, 365x3@9
Hang Snatch Doubles (no straps... left them at home)
70x2x3, 75x2, 80x2
Clean and Jerk Singles
120, 130, 140, 150
Press 215x5x5@8,8,8,9,9 PR
Chin-up variation 50 reps
Bench 275x5x3@9,9,10
Pushup on Blocks 3 sets of 10
Last edited by Nick D'Agostino; 08-09-2013 at 10:56 PM. Reason: Macros
This is some video from the last weightlifting day. First video is the snatch. I'm working on catching the snatch with my shoulders shrugging into the bar and going down faster. The weight is relatively light but I was definitely struggling accomplishing those tasks. I have the tendency to catch the bar slightly forward and then shrug it up in to the correct position. The second video is just a heavy easy clean and messy jerk... the usual. When the weight gets above 140 I don't bend my back leg when I split. Hopefully I can clean some of this stuff up before september 22 and post a decent total.
Squat 445x5x5@9-10 PR
Deadlift 535x5@10 PR
First time I had to throw on the headphones and get reckless before my sets since the last meet. Great way to finish off a volume block.
Prowler Sprints 145lbs x 8 sprints with 1:40-2:00 mins rest b/w sprints
Last edited by Nick D'Agostino; 08-11-2013 at 09:53 PM. Reason: macros