I was knocked down by a stomach bug for several days. I work 56 hours a week, and things are pretty hectic with my young family. My recovery isn’t what it needs to be to be pushing heavy PRs. I need something fun and challenging that isn’t quite as systemically stressful. I joined a local gym and I am having a lot of fun following Andy Baker's bodybuilding workouts. I feel like an iron hermit that has emerged from his cave. I haven’t done a bodybuilding split since I competed in a small bodybuilding competition at Texas A&M in 2007. I am very excited to see how it goes.
Bench Press 220x3x10
Seated DB Overhead Press 62.5 x 10, 10, 9
Pull Ups BW x 12, 10, 7, 7, 7 = 43
Wide Grip Upright Rows 95 x 13, 13, 12
BB Curls 92.5 x 10, 8, 7
Flat BB Bench 250x7, 225x10
Incline BB Bench 205x8, 185x10
DB Fly 25x12, 20 x 16, 12, 8 (DC Rest Pause)
Decline Sit Ups BWx20x3
Wide Grip Pulldowns 170x12x3
Chest Supported Machine Rows 180 x 12, 12, 10
Single Arm DB Rows 90x12, 80x15
Close Grip Pulldowns 170 x 13, 6, 5 (DC Rest Pause)
Leg Extensions 90x12x2, 110x12
Leg Press 450x12
2 Count Paused High Bar Squats 405x6
Standing Calf Raises 90x15, 100x15x2