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Thread: Cole's HLM/TM

  1. #341
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    thanks fred!

    Recovery Day

    275 x 5 x 2
    i can objectively tell the difference in speed when i intentionally focus on hip drive the entire ascent ROM as opposed to when i just do what comes natural. lately whats been helping is thinking about hip driving up even when im descending.

    Press (-10%)
    140 x 5 x 3
    super easy, but i have a pulled muscle in my upper rhomboid that has been bothering me lately. made it hard to keep the bar close to the beard on the way up

    bw x 6, 6, 7

    continuing to try and get my macros in while the kitchen is being re done is tough. meals are mostly being fast food and easy frozen stuff. cant wait for it to be done. first world problems.

  2. #342
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Intensity Day

    380 x 5
    first rep may have been a hair too high. all other reps looked good depth wise, and speed was excellent today. suprising bc ive been eating like shit and felt bloated and tired. and contractors and working in my garage and it makes it awkward. also forgot to set the safety bars to squat height. not smart on intensity day

    Bench Press
    295 x 5
    pretty smooth on these. the wrist wraps dont seem to help and actually kind of get in the way. il try without them next time.

    420 x 5
    fuck yea! i always get intimidated by dead lifts, especially for reps over 4 plates but these went really well, much faster than the last cycle of TM where this was my limit set of 5. next week i will for sure go for 425 top tie all time rep PR.

    real good session. now, to celebrate hitting 420 for reps, im gonna eat 5mg of sativa and go deal with a work emergency. does anyone want to buy my business please?? ill be nice and hungry later for some biryani

    Squat - YouTube
    Bench - YouTube
    DL - YouTube

  3. #343
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Great work on that DL, Cole! I hear what you're saying on those weights. Mentally (and physically) reps at 400+ are mentally tough to get through. One day I'll actually get them done (singles above 4 plates are fine, 400x4 has been the wall. Perhaps over winter.

    5mg of sativa is the chef's kiss. No impact on productivity. We found that waiting 2 hours or so and topping off with another 5mg really keeps things flowing well for the remainder of the day.

  4. #344
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Thanks Bill! Im pretty much hooked on those damn gummies but youre right they dont affect productivity or judgement at all. 10mg is over the top for me though, even spaced out.

  5. #345
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    BW= 225
    waist= 40

    *vertical diet meals came yesterday. they look good. i had one meal last night for dinner and it taste suprisingly fresh for being a frozen meal. not salty, no sugar, no nasty sauces. yet it doesnt taste bland or dry like other frozen meals do. the downside is 1-cost , 2- not enough calories per meal. although maybe with a 40 in waist that is a good thing for me. ive been eating ~3500cal per day, which at this time last year on those macros i was weighing 240. now i cant seem to gain weight and i think its the TRT

  6. #346
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    starting strength coach development program
    Volume Day

    345 x 5 x 5
    easy. actually the descent was harder than coming back up, believe it or not. just all the effort focusing on mid foot balance, shoving knees out, back tightness and angle...coming back up was easy bc i didnt have to think about anything

    160 x 5 x 5
    last rep of 4th and 5th sets were hard....i will need to change rest times from 4 to 5 minuites and probably go up 2.5lbs now instead of 5. tweaked my low back a little on one of the reps i think i leaned back too far. either way i need to focus on every singel rep. i tend to get lazy with press bc it seems more harmless of a lift. need to stay focused on tightness every single rep.

    i know ive been back and forth on the weight class i want to be (100kg v 110kg) and everytime i swear im gonna bulk to 242 and after a week i give up. it just sucks to over eat, i feel like shit - bloated and lazy and i start snoring worse which bugs my wife and probably wakes me up througout the night. honestly i feel better when i eat less, just enought to be satisfied. ill need a slight caloric surplus, which im sure wont be a problem. but 100kg seems more realistic even though im 5'10, and rip says you should be 275 at 5'10 lol

    Squat - YouTube

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