So I re-ran my novice linear progression starting in June when gyms reopened in Illinois. I've worked up to 375x5 in the squat (with 2 backoff sets @ about 90%). Bench @ 275x5x3, Press 145x5x3, Deadlift 405x3x1. Progress is still coming, albeit much more slowly, but I think I'd like to switch to a program that allows for some more assistance exercises, breaks up the monotony, and allows for a little more rest. I am 6', 215 lbs. 33 years old.

I have the Practical Programming 3rd edition. I'm debating between the High volume/low intensity or heavy & light day programs. I've done one lift per day but that feels a little too much like 5/3/1.

What is a good rule of thumb for switching to an intermediate program and how do you figure out what poundages to start at, or is this highly individual and best left to each lifter to tinker with and figure out on their own?