I firmly believe that drinking too much fluid before bed will cause a man with a normal prostate to get up to pee.
I firmly believe that drinking too much fluid before bed will cause a man with a normal prostate to get up to pee.
I concur Rip, my prostate is fine I will just hold back on the tea, I am a chain tea drinker basically. I could have anything between 10-15 cups a day ( decaf) easily.
Vinnie I take your input and thank you for it, maybe my response says more about my fear of having another valerian root experience which was hell.
Rip, do you have a link to train the barbell, practice the movement ? I have PP and are you strong enough, but read them years ago.
Interesting that this old guy section is more about sleep than training, at least we are not alone on this and it is normal to a degree.
Sorry, but I don't understand your question.
"Train the barbell, practice the strongmen stuff. I've written about this."
Thanks, I will check them out.
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