This turned into a bit of a rant but the question is: If I know I have the strength for a set of 5, but form is a limiting factor, does it necessitate a programming change?

29 M, 182lbs, 5’7.

Training x1 day per week as my occupational and educational schedule allows, following a weekly progression for three major lifts, and splitting deadlift fatigue.

Squat: 395x5x1 (400x4x1). +5lbs per week
Bench: 297.5x1x1. +2.5lbs per week
Rackpull: 410x5x1 (topped out deadlift for single @ 445). +10lbs per week
Press: 207.5x1x1 (reset, 175x5x1). +2.5lbs per week.

Referring specifically to my squat. Last Monday I achieved 395x5x1. The 5th rep got stuck coming out of the hole because I fell backwards of mid-foot. I was able to grab my balls and get the rep to lockout. Today, I smashed 400 for the first four reps. Fourth rep was a challenge, I knew the 5th would be hard but did NOT have that dreadful “oh, here we go” sort of doubt. During the very start of my decent into the 5th rep, I began falling into my heels. I caught this early, after just unlocking my knees and hips, I was able to abort the rep, quickly reset, and begin anew; unfortunately, I ended up missing the 5th rep. Got stuck in the same spot as 395, pushed fucking hard. And missed. I had that goddamn rep. No doubt in my mind that I did.

I’m wondering if transitioning to triples would be more beneficial than throwing myself at sets of 5 for a hopeful PR every week vs every other week with re-attempts. For the other lifts I’ve ran through a set of 5, missed once, and didn’t think much about going to triples. The squat, is more personal to me. I want that set of 5. I will throw myself into a recovery hole for that set of 5 and I will sacrifice the other 3 lifts for it.

Of course the end goal isn’t 400lbs for 5 reps; it’s the highest possible number I can load on the bar, burry in the hole and stand back up with. I’ll likely try 400x5x1 again next week, and I know I will get it. It’s foolish and impossible to think I can avoid this problem forever because I will need to switch to triples eventually.

If I know I have the strength for a set of 5, but form is a limiting factor, does it necessitate a programming change?

I’m really fucking pissed I missed that squat.