As I said recently in the Elderly section, I'm working back into regular training following my loss, and this will be the first entry in my new log. Took it easy the first couple weeks to break-in, then tried to slip into a typical routine (for me). Had much stress and some nagging aches and pains to work through, but have managed to make decent progress the past month. I also turned 61 the first week in January. I'll compare my A workout from Jan. 18 to the same workout from yesterday. I felt better than usual yesterday, though my bodyweight was down (189).

Mon, Jan 18
no bwt check
SQ: 65x5, 125x5, 155x3, 190x3, 225x3, 195x5x2 bo
Lev. row: 90x8, 115x8, 140x8
BP: 45x5, 85x5, 110x3, 130x3, 150x3, 170x3, 150x5x2 bo
Pinch grip: 53 3/4 lbs x 8 & 7 sec hold
Rev. hyper: 65x12, 90x10, 110x10
Note: low back giving me trouble today

Mon, Feb 15
bwt - 189
SQ: bwt x 5, 85x5, 135x3, 175x3, 215x3, 255x3, 225x5 bo
Lev. row: 100x8, 130x8, 160x7
BP: 45x5, 85x5, 125x3, 155x3, 182x3, 160x5 bo
Pinch grip: 60 lbs x 5 & 5 sec hold
Rev. hyper: 70x12, 100x10, 120x10
Note: felt pretty good today