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Thread: I like brisket

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default I like brisket

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    So 315x5x3 means 3 sets of 5 at 315 lbs

    So one of my friends at work brought in a couple sandwiches from a smokehouse in almont michigan. one was pulled pork and the other beef brisket. i had the brisket one, and it was by far the best fucking sandwich ive ever had. its not the easiest to find good smoked meat around here, but holy shit was that delicious. i plan on going up there next weekend and eating every sort of critter they serve up.

    anyways, ive decided to start a log. here's where i whine about my elbows and how my squats are wiping the floor with me. its also got my highest completed work sets. but ive decided to take a big reset, and see what my linear progression will do.

    BW: 188

    Back Squat - 275x5x3
    Press - 115x5x3
    Chin ups - 25x5x3
    Dips - 45 x 7,4

    This was all in all a pretty shitty work out. its been a week since my last work out, but i did do some hill sprints a few days ago. either way i expected this to go pretty easy, but the squats were wayyy harder than they had any right to be. everything else was pretty mediocre. im going to write this off to not eating enough, which i havent been doing the past couple days. love handles and belly fat is starting to make me feel pretty chunky. but i think im just going to keep eating while on my lp.

    oh, and elbow tendinitis has calmed down quite a bit, but i can still feel it in my right elbow and dont want to aggravate it.
    Last edited by scoppi; 09-22-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010



    Back Squat - 280x5x3
    Bench Press - 190x5x3
    Deadlift - 325x5x1
    Kroc Rows - 23 right, 21 left @ 75 lbs

    Squats were better today, but dont know if they felt 50 lbs lighter than my max working set weight .... Bench went really well, my elbow only complained a little bit. The deadlifts were harder than they should have been. i might have to start doing some "core" work. Did kroc rows for the first time. next time ill do 70 lbs to make sure form is ok, and get the reps closer to 30. they were tough but i liked doing them.

    when you lose the arch in your back on deadlifts, is that an ab or lower back failure?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010



    Back Squat - 285x5x3
    Press - 120x5x3
    Pull Ups - 25x5x3
    Dips - 35 x 8,7,5

    I used the foam roller on my hips and lower back after my warm up, and it was pretty excruciating. My hips are just unbelievably tight right now. Squats went well, elbow didnt act up too much, and the press felt great. Didnt get as many out on the dips as i had wanted, but w/e.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010



    Was just going to do some hill sprints today, but my buddy was in town and wanted to work out. He did a linear progression a little before i started mine, and is on cffb right now. I did:

    Back Squat - 225x5x3
    Press - 115, 135, 155 (PR), 165(PR), 170(F), 170(F), 135x3x8

    Just did some light squats for recovery i guess. He did 345x5x3, and made it look easy. His BW is about 190-5. It was cool to go for a heavy press. 165 felt pretty easy, so I was a bit disappointed to not get 170, but this is my first time going heavy, so I'll take it. Then we just got some volume in at 135.

    I usually lift alone, so it was really cool to lift with somebody, in the sun, and just move iron around for fun.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010



    Back Squat - 290x5x3
    Bench Press - 195x5x3
    Chins - 30x5x3
    Dips - 35 lbs x 8,8,7

    My elbows felt the best they have in a long time, with only a slight niggle in my right one, but no pain at all on the squats! The squats weren't too tough, but they didn't fly up. Rest time was about 4 minutes between sets. Bench, again, wasn't difficult, but they weren't easy either. Chins and dips were pretty easy tho.

    Bodyweight is down to the low 180's. Going to schedule a consult with the captain soon, because eating 70's big got me a bit too chunky.

    Been doing hip and leg stretches, as well as foam rolling. Im going to do some full body prehab, and make sure everything is oiled up properly. Im almost done making my sled/prowler, which i think will go nicely with my hill sprints for conditioning work.
    Last edited by scoppi; 06-30-2010 at 10:29 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010



    Front Squat - 235x3x3
    Press - 125x5x3
    Deadlift - 335x5
    Kroc Rows - 32kg Kettlebell x 21 right, 21 left

    The press' were really tough. the weight didnt really even feel that heavy, but it was just hard getting it up and down 5 times. I think doing dips on bench days might not be the best strategy. Deadlifts were tough but good.
    Last edited by scoppi; 07-03-2010 at 12:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    friend in town, so going to be doing some different stuff for a week or so

    Pulled a sled for some conditioning/recovery.

    Went for maxes for the first time after starting my linear progression.
    bodyweight: 183 lbs

    Squat - 385
    Bench - 255
    Deadlift - 405

    i went for 405 on the squat, but it wasnt gonna happen. 385 was relatively easy tho. for my bench, it was the first time ive gone for a max bench ever. i missed 265 but might have been able to get 260. my lower back was pretty jacked from the squats, so i wasnt really able to go hard on the deadlift. 405 was a pretty clean lift, so i went for 425, but my back wasnt having it. i could have probably gotten 10 lbs more on the squat and deadlift, but i think those are pretty good indicators of where my strength actually is, and not some inflated, 1-time lift numbers.

    my friend went 405-265-495, so ive got some catching up to do. hes about 190 (same friend as above). ive really got to do some lower back assistance work though. i think ill go for higher rep back extensions, just something i can do frequently and not worry about overtraining it. but if anyone has some advice, please chime in.

    logs feel like blogs, and writing about my day and feelings feels pretty gay. gotta get some beer to fight that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Nice job

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010


    I got up at freaking 3:30 this morning to start smoking a 13 pound brisket. Should be ready around 8:00 tonight. Mmmmm.

    Nice maxes!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    thanks for the comments, and braindrop, i hope that brisket has been devoured by now.

    so i obviously havent updated this for awhile, so this will be a bit of a catch up post.

    the week after the maxes i did a few crossfit football work outs with my buddy. we did a sprint one and it was torturous. so im going to try to do 1 day of sprinting a week, and another day of sled work. heres what i've been up to:

    Back Squat - 295x5x3
    Bench Press - 195x5x3

    Rough day back.

    Back Squat - 245x5x2
    Press - 125x5x3
    Deadlift - 335x5x1

    Getting the form back on my squat. The presses felt like i was trying to lift a house.

    Back Squat - 295x5x3
    Bench Press - 195x5x3
    Chins - 30x5x3
    45* Back Extensions - 3x12 with 10 lbs behind head

    Squat and bench felt good. Chins were a bit gritty. My lower back is definitely my weakest point, so strengthening it ASAP is in order.

    Back Squat - 300x5x3
    Press - 130x5x3
    Chins - 30x5x3

    Everything was pretty easy.

    Front Squat - 245x3x3
    Bench Press - 200x5x3
    Deadlift - 345x5x1

    Front squats and bench were easy, but the deadlift was pretty tough. I think im going to do that weight again next week.

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