4 mile run this morning, 4 mile run in the evening, both about 8 minute mile pace, some hill work. A few pushups, situps, and bodyweight squats.
At a conference in Prague, but in a suburb outside of the city. No squat racks in sight. Today, a 6 mile run, about 8 minute mile pace, through the park. A few pushups. I go into the city tomorrow, I might find a rack there.
Found a squat rack in Prague! Moved to a hotel in Prague for a couple days.
Squat 160x5, 140x5x3, 140x2x5 (3 sec pause) had to squat in socks
Press 75x5x3
Dead 180x5, 140x1x15 speed pulls
Dumbbell press 35x5
Dumbbell bench 45x5
Some dude in a tapout shirt asked me how long I would occupy the rack - I said a long time, so he took a bar off the bench to do his curls. Anyway, not too pleased with this session - in socks, not a lot of sleep lately, crappy eating - but felt like I had to get it in.
Squat 160x5, 140x3x3 (5 sec pause), 140x7
Push Press heavy singles up to 80x1, 90x0
Press 70x5x3
Dead 180x5
some clean and snatch form work with the bar
My lifts are going backwards, I can feel it. I felt really weak in my squat, and my back went into flexion a few reps in both the heavy set and the backoff sets. The deadlift was hard as hell, and my press has gone to shit - I couldn't even push press 90! I have a rotator cuff injury, however, and I have never done the push press so that could be the problem. I really didn't get enough sleep and I spent about 4 days hiking around Prague (I reckon I walked 20-25 miles or so) in addition to the running and the one workout I had. On the plus side, I didn't seem to gain much weight from all the beer and dumplings I had - still hanging out in the 91 kg range.
I have a softball tournament in London and then spend another week in England starting Friday, so I'm taking it easy till then. Maybe a light workout on Thursday, very easy on the upper body stuff, as this rotator cuff is a pain in the ass.
Bench 140x2, 100x7x3 paused
Dips BWx25x3
Curlz 20x50
Bunch of barbell complexes for conditioning
OK, so I lifted heavy today, but I realized I hadn't done bench in like 2 weeks. Failed on my 3rd rep and needed my spotter to bail me out - coulda been a form problem. Got inspired to do the curlz after seeing Paul Carter do a 100 rep set with something like 65 lb. I was dying by rep 40...I can't imagine doing 100, and it was just the damn bar.
Back from a lovely 10 day vacation in Britain. I had a softball tourney for the first couple days, then a ton of walking around in the cities we visited and some hiking in the Cotswolds and the Lake District. I managed to go on 3 early morning runs between 3-7 miles at a roughly 8-8:30 pace. Great time.
Resting today, easing into a couple of workouts for the rest of the week. Have a hike to some hut here on Saturday/Sunday. One more easy workout next week, then I've got to fly to the US for nearly a month - visiting family in TX, NM, and then doing a conference in NYC. Hopefully I don't lose too much strength, but at least this will give my shoulder some time to heal.
Squat 160x5, 140x2x4 (5 sec pause), 140x5 holy shite I am weaker - these were way too hard
Press 70x5x3
Dead 180x3 failed on the 4th rep - felt a tweak in the lower left part of my back. Yeah, my back has suffered the most from my layoff.
Squat 150x5x3, 130x3x3 (5 sec pause)
Power clean and press 70x5x3
not really feelin it today, backed off the weight some and concentrated on form.
Dead 175x5, 140x1x15 speed pulls
Bench 120x5x3, 100x7,x6,x5 paused
Dips BWx25,x20,x17,x17
Shoulder flies 20x12x3
The flies seem to help my shoulder feel better.
Squat 140x8x3, 140x2x3 (5 sec pause)
Press 75x5x2, x3, 40x10x3
Calf raises 105x10x3 felt like lettin a little bro out in the smith machine
Looking at 1 month of vacation and work related travel - will try to hit the gym during that time and do more low weight/high volume stuff. The 8x3 today was with that in mind.
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