Deadlifts are pretty good as well, honestly. The third rep looks like you rushed it a bit. I would try to make your set up for each rep identical save perhaps the first rep. Sometimes, it helps to do a little dance or whatever before the first rep.
Deadlifts are pretty good as well, honestly. The third rep looks like you rushed it a bit. I would try to make your set up for each rep identical save perhaps the first rep. Sometimes, it helps to do a little dance or whatever before the first rep.
Intensity Press: 167.5x1,0 WTF 155x5 (I took an extra day of rest to finish a school project. I didn't eat like I wanted, but it wasn't too bad. It's really the only way I can explain today.)
Volume Bench: 220x5x3 (first rep of each set paused)
Chin-ups: (BW+17.5)x5x3
Incline LTE: 30 lb ez curl plus 80x8, 70x8x2
Reverse Pec-Deck: 90x12x3
Captain's Chair Leg/Knee Raise: 10 lbs x 10 x 3
Volume Squat: 320x5x3
Speed Deadlift against doubled red monster mini's: 290x1x6, 290x1x4 on the minute
After squats, I had what felt like a sick lower back pump. It didn't go away during deadlifts. It was seriously bothering me and I had to stop. I think it was actually my right piriformis, but I'm not great with anatomy. I laid on the ground and rolled around on a lax ball. Hours later, I feel no remnants of it and seem to have no problems.
Neck Harness
BB Curl: 97.5x8x3
Ab Wheel: 15,12,12
I also have been experiencing a buzzing sensation in my right thigh. Great.
Intensity Bench: 260x3x2
Volume Press: 145x5x3
Chins: (BW+48)x3x3 (ROM was questionable)
DB Incline Bench: 70x10, 65x10, 60x10
Weighed in @ 241 today...highest before that was 237...dat bloat
Last edited by ChadTheMeatBeast; 07-18-2013 at 11:44 AM.
I hit 270x3x2 last cycle. I won't reach that this time, because my meet is in a few weeks.
My goal was to come close to 242 so I'd be at the top of the weight class. Now I have to be careful that I don't go over. Oh, and I feel fat now that my waist seems to be getting bigger everyday and the larger-sized pairs of pants I had to buy are now almost too small themselves. Cya!
Intensity Squat: 375x1x5 (saw I had 6 reps on video, so thought I had done that many...the 1st rep was actually a warmup. Have to edit video.)
Deadlift: 475x0 (barely budged off ground to which I said "I fucking hate myself" out loud.)
Well, fuck me. I've gained like 15 lbs and I'm weaker than I was back then. The ironic thing is that before today's workout I mailed in my check for my meet, and when I came back home my singlet was in the mailbox.
Honestly, I feel very discouraged. I guess next week I'm going to just do a deload @ like 70%. If I pulled 470x3 last week and it wasn't even hard, then it makes zero sense that I couldn't even budge 475. I squatted 355x5 and an easy 365x1 not that many weeks ago, too. I guess I just accumulate way too much fatigue. I just wish I wasn't hitting a wall like 3 weeks out from a meet.
Last edited by ChadTheMeatBeast; 07-24-2013 at 07:41 PM.
If I were you I wouldn't deload. Switch to maybe 5 singles on squat, and try deadlift again (maybe one single?) Probably just under recovered. Also struggling on squat probably made you tired for deadlifts.