Thanks :-) Any other form issues, Les?
May 16 2013
BP 250x1x2 242.5x4x4 - Got four reps on the AMRAP set
Close grip bench 140x3x12 got 12, 10, 10
Pec cross cable 90x3x12 got them all
Barbell curls 85x3x12 got'em all
Thanks :-) Any other form issues, Les?
May 16 2013
BP 250x1x2 242.5x4x4 - Got four reps on the AMRAP set
Close grip bench 140x3x12 got 12, 10, 10
Pec cross cable 90x3x12 got them all
Barbell curls 85x3x12 got'em all
Nope, I thought it looked pretty good. I just noticed that slight dip that you corrected.
May 18 2013
Deadlift 405x1x1 PR 305x4x4 PR :-) Finally four wheels, felt like I could've done an extra 10-20 pounds. Vid incoming ;-)
Shrugs 275x3x12 got 12, 12, 10
DB row 125x3x12 done
Chinups BWx3x12 done
Felt like a beast today, wish that every training day was like today.
Last edited by Immortal_k; 05-17-2013 at 03:36 PM.
Deadlift vid:
May 20 2013
Press 225x1x1 PR No volume work - strapped for time.
Tri pull down 185x3x12 got'm all
Lateral raise 35x3x12 got'm all
Reverse Fly (rear raise) 45x3x12 got'm all
I'll be flying to Houston tomorrow from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; I'll be moving there for post-grad studies. I'm not sure if I'll be able to train at all for the rest of this week and maybe the next, though I'll try my hardest. I have to look for a suitable apartment, find a black iron gym, get a cell phone plan, signup for a bank account, get a SSN, and all that jazz.
Last edited by Immortal_k; 05-20-2013 at 06:57 AM.