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Thread: 20 rep squats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default 20 rep squats

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Hello Coach, I'm currently in the middle of a 20 rep squat routine, going from 225 to 315 in 6 weeks. Having never done 20s before, I chose a moderate weight I knew I'd succeed in doing. My previous 5RM max was 355, but after a week or so off for a fishing trip to Michigan, I detrained enough that I decided this was where I wanted to spend energy. Just completed 20 reps of 270 today and have no doubt I'll finish as expected.

    Between warm-ups today, I felt fuller than usual and was mildly concerned that somewhere between reps 15-20 a problem could arise. I asked my training partner if he would call me a pussy should I rack it and run to a trashcan or if the proper course of action would be to let it rip and finish the set, taking care of it afterward. Needless to say there was no puking, but it crossed my mind you and the forum would have some words of wisdom on the matter. Does stopping in the middle of a 20 rep set to vomit make one a pussy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    No, but it makes the set not count as 20 reps.

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