Full disclosure: I and family are extremely devout. So most people assume we never touch alcohol. Not true.
1. I think prohibition was idiotic
2. When we take Communion we use REAL wine, not freakin' grape juice, IOW, exactly like the Apostles did
3. The very first miracle my Lord did was turn water to wine at a wedding party so the family and guests would be blessed. I love sharing that with people to get their reaction.
4. My wife's PhD is in food microbiology and is an expert in fermentation, so she is one of the researchers those studies cite. She points out that man could not have survived without fermentation before modern refrigeration. We make our own tonics and medicines, using various brandy, rum, et al for the base. A brandy/ginger/lemon/honey tonic is the best thing for a cold. Take a guess why most all medicine has alcohol as a carrier base !?
5. As this summary article points out, moderate consumption is more beneficial than either extreme. Being Cajun, wine has been part of our French heritage for eons. The French Paradox is not a paradox if you understand the mechanisms with an open mind.