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Thread: work, squat depth

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default work, squat depth

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hallo mr rippetoe

    Excuse my english I am from Holland
    I have manual labour 5-6 days a week 8 hours a day, I am a gardiner. Wich means that there are days that I stand bend over and digging in the earth for hours. Or pulling heavy (for me) plants out of the earth and dragging them around for 20 meters all day long; just 2 examples.
    I am 35 years old.
    I have followed your novice routine (fun!) for 5 months now and I am still adding weight altough it is only 1 kg at a time ; 85 kg 5 rep squat. 72 kg bodyweight. So so far so good but before problems might occur:
    Questions: Will my labour stand in my way of development (injuries)? Wont I grow/get very much stronger because I wont rest enough? Do you have any recommendations,reassurance for my situation?

    Breaking parallel in the squat: Is half an inch enough? (page 8 in the new book landmarks a and b)

    Thank you for writing such a detailed book and answer most of our questions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Your English is as good as that of anyone from North Texas. If you have had your job for longer than a few weeks, you are already adapted to it and it merely serves as background activity, provided you are eating and sleeping enough.

    Breaking parallel in the squat just means that your hip joint dropped below the top of your kneecap. Deeper is fine as long as proper lumbar extension is maintained, but depth at the expense of form is not useful.

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