Originally Posted by
Mark Rippetoe
This is off-topic, but what the hell. I've always wondered about people who reflexively utter this phrase verbatem (with the occasional "what your REALLY think" added) in response to a stated opinion. Are you prompted to do so by the opinion itself, or by the perceived audacity of the expression of the opinion? Are you so uncomfortable with a confidently expressed opinion that you drag up this tired retort because you can't think of anything else to say, yet feel the need to say something even though the opinion itself is outside your scope? Being opinionated myself, I have been subjected to this countless times since I was a child, and I am always confused about it. I wonder where it was first used, if some public school teacher decided to promulgate its use, or if it first appeared in a movie I have't seen. Really, no shit: why do people say this????