That was sure informative, thanks for sharing .
That was sure informative, thanks for sharing .
Great article Rip. Thanks for sharing. Scaremongering, pseudoscience and 'marketing' win out again unfortunately. So much so that down here in Australia, a country bathed in glorious sunshine all-year round, we now have a vitamin D deficiency of near epidemic levels, with over 30% of adults having a mild, moderate or even severe deficiency.
Another "no shit" moment for me. Ive been advocating a high sunshine lifestyle on this site for years. And Im a goddam sexual tyranosaurus.
All the facts and data out there have been around for years. No thinking person would follow the "wear sunscreen on cloudy days if youre black" advice of these chicken littles. And its should scale from there.
Natur uber alles.
I prefer the taste of margarine to sunscreen, but neither is great.
Simple, intuitive approach:
Black = seek sunlight
Brown = seek sunlight at high latitudes. Train tanning through stress-adaptation cycle if at low latitude or high altitude.
White = train tanning through the stress-adaptation cycle until sunlight levels can be tolerated if at lower latitudes and or high altitudes. Avoid peak sunlight at equatorial latitudes and or high altitude.
Ginger = avoid moderate to intense sunlight.
So, then, is it worth getting some sort of UV lamp for folks who can't get sufficient sunlight naturally?
I use sunscreen in one situation, which amounts to a few times per year. When I'm going to be outside on a hot summer sunny day, camping or on the beach or something like that, and without it, i would get severely burnt.
I am ginger and when i was young my arms was very white. When i was 6 years old i didnt understand that being too much on the sun may cause me to burn the skin. But after few easy-medium burnings over my body and arms the arms actually started to get brown color after few exposures to the sunlight so i belive our very white skin can also adapt to the sun if giving.the skin the appropriate exposure time ti the sun😁