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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #19371
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by GioFerrante View Post
    No its not unfortunately:

    Posts falsely claim 50% of Ottawa police quit over protests | AP News

    Police Chief seems to like "turning up the heat" on the peaceful protestors:

    Trucker protest: Ottawa police chief says he won't resign | CTV News

    I'd be surprised if none if they don't "accidentally" kill anyone before its all said and done. They've already ran people over, staged fires and fake Nazi signs, there's really no depth to which they won't stoop.

    I'd just hope that our officers over here wouldn't do this shit.
    Did you notice that they said “there have been no resignations due to the demonstration “, rather than “ there have been no resignations since the demonstration started”? One can be checked.

  2. #19372
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by francesco.decaro View Post
    Bitcoin is the only back up plan, besides going back to barter, that we have, as of now, to save ourselves from the inevitable demise of the fiat currency system, before an actual world government is institued and a global CBDC is created and we are all fucked.
    Volatility stops being an issue with mass adoption, which is the main goal.
    It's pretty obvious that the more people use it, the more the price goes up, the more volume will be needed for the price to go up, or down, and it will eventually reach some sort of peak and stabilize.
    Do you have any other reason other than the volatility to justify your "stupid as fuck, it's just another fiat currency" opinion about Bitcoin? That sure as hell can't be the ONLY thing you've learnt about it.
    My opinion on Bitcoin goes back and forth over the years. The decentralization of Bitcoin is what makes it great, but I also feel that it's what will prevent it from mass adoption.

    In order for it to undergo mass adoption, SOMEONE is going to have to prevent manipulation of the price, and the only way to do that is inherently opposite to the foundation of Bitcoin. It's paradoxical, I know, but there's absolutely nothing about Bitcoin that allows a state like North Korea or China from manipulating it, and I don't think the people of the world will find it acceptable for their net worth to ride on such a precariously fine line. I recognize that we're already struggling with inflation and that our money is already being fucked with, but Bitcoin doesn't necessarily solve this problem, and in some ways, it has the potential to make it worse.

  3. #19373
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  5. #19375
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    In another less educated (brainwashed) NC county, the citizens have discovered Surety Bonds:
    Iredell County, North Carolina Board of Commission, you’ve been served

    He's filing against each commissioner's Surety Bond for Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law. This tactic has gone viral so I expect we'll see this happen in county's all over the country.

    Here is more information on this Surety Bond tactic: Please Wait... | Cloudflare

    When a claim is filed against an elected official's surety bond by a citizen, the elected official is personally liable for a large deductible ($40,000) for each claim while the Insurance company investigates the claim. Instantly, the mask mandate is no longer a game for these people. Anyone can do this and no attorney is needed.

    Here's the full story of a mom who successfully used this tactic to overturn mask mandates in her county: How One Mom SAVED her ENTIRE School District! Bonds for the WIN!!

    We have to stop presenting facts & data at school board meetings, and instead speak in a language these people understand.
    Dare County (coastal), NC - After being served in this video, the school board voted 6-1 to end all mask mandates
    Dare County, NC - Intent to file a claim against their Surety Bonds

    The surety bond tactic seems to get their attention. Watch the one "no" vote throw the documents on the floor like a spoiled brat.

    I listened to this 3 hour debate between Catherine Austin Fitts and a bitcoin evangelist Aleks Svetski
    Can Bitcoin Circumvent Economic Tyranny?- Discussion Between Catherine Austin Fitts & Aleks Svetski

    My basic takeaway is Catherine agrees with this statement by Nicholas:

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    It's like you're sitting in jail yet excited that you concocted a system that evades the prison guards to allow you to transfer goods and services outside of the Commissary.
    She is an expert in the "control grid" as it was turned against her and nearly ruined and killed her. She does not believe bitcoin has a chance in hell unless we free the world from the brainwashing and the control grid.

    Aleks Svetski claims bitcoin is completely different from the "cryptos". Bitcoin appears to be a lifestyle for him; a dimension of existence completely free of governance. Catherine Austin Fitts laughed at this.

    Bitcoin question: What happens if someone forces you to divulge your bitcoin phrase seeds and wallet before killing you? They immediately transfer your bitcoin and disappear. Can they be tracked down?

    Seems like bitcoin puts a target on your back...not only for the government but also for crooks. This Aleks Svetski guy brags that he holds his bitcoin seed phrases in his memory. Why does he feel so secure that he would brag about that?

    Am I misunderstanding bitcoin?
    Dr Malone on Tucker - Party of Davos 40 seconds
    "A 30 year effort to subvert the western democracies by a group of people backed by big money that believe in the concept of a centralized government"

  6. #19376
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    Just received the sad news that Nobel prize winning virologist Dr Luc Montagnier died last night.
    Tragic Story Stands Behind Luc Montagnier's Cause of Death - US day News

    For those unfamiliar with his amazing breakthroughs on water memory and optical biophysics check this out : Dr. Luc Montagnier and the Coming Revolutions in Optical Biophysics – Rising Tide Foundation

    This was written by a good friend of mine:
    Nobel prize-winning opponent of COVID-19 vaccines dead at 89 | America'''s Frontline Doctors

  7. #19377
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    Italy makes constitution greener, environmentalists call for action | Reuters

    So the Italian Mafia that no one elected just changed the constitution in a couple days.
    Environment and public health will now drive the economy.
    That means that closing down a business for not following covid rules for example, is perfectly constitutional.

    All of this as an energy crisis seems to be dawning on Europe.
    As China starts rationing out electricity, as I've heard on the Italian news.

    It seems to me like they are trying to do the exact same thing they did with Covid, only this time with energy and electricity.
    Which is why all the covid nonsense, except vaccines, is falling apart. (vaccines are a useful indicator of compliance, they make money, and they keep people weak enough so that the hospitals are busy enough to always be on the brink of collapse)
    People will forget about the virus, and will get traumatized again by environmental lockdowns and having their electricity or gas cut off a few times a day.
    Soon the Green Pass will be used to discriminate between ecofriendly people and anti-energy or whatever.
    Exchanging your gasoline car for an EV will be the new "vaccine". It'll be the fastest way we can get rid of the emergency. Of course anyone who doesn't comply will have to pay fines and have their energy cutoff.
    And this is where I bring Bitcoin to the discussion again.
    They will blame mining farms as well for ruining the environment and sucking up all the energy.
    They will put fake experts on tv telling us how anybody owning Bitcoin is dangerous to society.
    You might say "But Francesco, the data clearly shows this is not real, mining farms only use a very small percentage of energy compared to other sectors, and they are the only ones transforming that energy into an asset that grows in value, without enslaving people in some mine"
    Well, ask yourselves what the data shows about masks, covid, its treatment and the vaccines, and then look at what people choose to believe.
    This will be their way to finally have a cashless society, with centralized digital currency, complete invasion of privacy, and access to bank accounts without any permission (with the excuse of more welfare/national security), and to put distrust and hate towards Bitcoin amongst the population.

    Anyone else sees this as a clear and obvious possibility? Or am I missing something?

  8. #19378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    ...There is a newer 27 minute movie based on the story on Amazon entitled "2081", but this is "currently unavailable in our location"....of course.
    Anyway, thanks Yngvi for posting this Vonnegut story.
    I wouldn't have remembered posting that if you hadn't brought it up.
    Does it look like it is getting censored now?

    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    ...That some of you don't understand that distinction between money and wealth...
    Whenever I try to make that distinction, people rarely care, because: "Number on screen go up. Wealth get big."

    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    ...It seems the more of these doses you get, the higher the likelihood of dying you face.
    If I remember correctly, several of us here came to that conclusion before the vaccine even hit the market.
    Dr. Montagnier may have also publicized that opinion early on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    ...The Russian government paid off its debts in full many years ago (something I'm sure TBTB could not stand), and they've got plenty of natural resources and a cheap labor economy to keep them and their currency rolling....
    We're getting back to a world where Might is Right, correct? The winners ACT and TAKE, while the losers WHINE and CITE LAWS.

    And, Francesco, I think Russia will be much better prepared to ACT in your post-fiat world, than some Reddit and 4chan dweebs, even with their MASSIVE, coin MINING, computing capabilities....
    That is the foundation of wealth; No debt, large amounts of good land, natural resources, strong borders and the most valuable resource, a unified, determined, capable people.

    In that long list, it is useful to go through item by item and ask yourself "who benefits from this?"
    For example:
    The recent Kazakhstan attempted revolution where new information suggests Hunter Biden had a hand in trying to sell the nations oil interests to the Chinese. The US in no way would have benefited. China would have been the only beneficiary.
    Or the ongoing attempts to destabilize Syria and remove Assad. Does the US benefit in any way? Turkey? EU? The only nation I can think of that benefits from fragmenting Syria is Israel.
    Who potentially benefits from a conflict between Ukraine/Nato/US and Russia? It is certainly not Ukraine or NATO or the US.

    I agree that intellectual efforts at resistance are doomed to fail, but it always seems to be an unavoidable step in the process.
    The second people realize they are being attacked through extrajudicial means and without a care for the word of law, it becomes their duty to fight back by any and all means necessary for their survival.

  9. #19379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    “Knowing what we know about the spike protein in these vaccines, the study quantitatively measured spike protein levels in plasma after vaccination.”

    I’m curious as to why then there’s not been far more adverse events in vacced patients. If the spike protein is a toxin, and in higher doses then in covid, wouldn’t it have similar affects to covid?

    Assuming and hoping that’s true, I think reveals the biggest danger. The biggest danger is that the “leave me alone” mentality can’t go beyond that. If this battle is won, the overreaching, authoritarian elitist bureaucratic class of society that created the situation is still in place, as is all their mechanisms. And now their spiteful and neurotic. I’m not just talking about the myriad of charges that will be on every truckers records. Strategically this is a hand that will never be allowed to be played again.
    Remember a few years ago when self driving cars were the next big thing and everyone and his dog was talking about self driving trucks? Well it never really took off, the technology wasn’t quite advanced enough.
    Guess what just got rocketed to #1 priority around the world. Hell it doesn’t even matter if the technology doesn’t work, it’ll be put in place and made to work.
    Worst case scenario you just cannot physically replace drivers with AI. They can do the next best thing, fire a bunch of truckers anyway, decry the labour shortage and/or high wages choking the industry, then hire a bunch of immigrants to drive trucks. Problem solved, nothing like this can ever happen again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    Dare County (coastal), NC - After being served in this video, the school board voted 6-1 to end all mask mandates
    Dare County, NC - Intent to file a claim against their Surety Bonds
    The surety bond tactic seems to get their attention. Watch the one "no" vote throw the documents on the floor like a spoiled brat.

    I listened to this 3 hour debate between Catherine Austin Fitts and a bitcoin evangelist Aleks Svetski
    Can Bitcoin Circumvent Economic Tyranny?- Discussion Between Catherine Austin Fitts & Aleks Svetski

    I think evangelist is the right word. Whilst everything they say is correct, there seems to be this bitcoin blindness in the fact that if it is a tool against government, government will respond to defend itself. The biggest overlooked factor is the claim that “government can’t physically ban bitcoin” Yes they can. They can and may.
    I’ve never heard of the surety bond tactic, can you give a summary of what it is/how it worked?

  10. #19380
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    Matt Taibbi's latest is worth a read for those that, like me, didn't know the Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu story. Taibbi compares Trudeau et al with the former Romanian dictators.

    "There may be no real-world comparison between a blood-soaked monster like Ceaușescu and a bumbling ball-scratcher like Joe Biden, or an honorarium-gobbling technocrat like Hillary Clinton, or a Handsome Dan investment banker like Emmanuel Macron, or an effete pseudo-intellectual like Justin Trudeau. Still, the ongoing inability of these leaders to see the math of populist uprisings absolutely recalls that infamous scene in Bucharest. From Brexit to the election of Donald Trump to, now, the descent of thousands of Canadian truckers upon the capital city of Ottawa to confront Trudeau, a consistent theme has been the refusal to admit — not even to us, but to themselves — the numerical truth of what they’re dealing with."

    As the Romanians did back on Christmas Day 1989, the idea of lining these people up against a wall and filling them with lead is not an unattractive one.

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