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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #8311
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnsonville View Post
    There is literally no chance of trump playing “Caesar” when he loses, get out of your fucking fantasy land weirdo.
    Bad take.

    "When he loses" is the crux of the argument. Rampant election fraud occurred, whether you believe it or not. This has big implications.

    It's become apparent that most elections for the past several decades probably weren't legitimate either. Why should Californians listen to Newsom's crazy lockdown orders when he probably isn't even their duly elected governor? Why should I listen to Gov. Waltz in Minnesota when he tells me not to visit my parents for Thanksgiving? Why should I listen to fearless leader Evers here in Wisconsin when the party machine that elected him is the same one that managed to magically find 100,000+ votes for Biden at 3 AM the night they decided to take a break from counting votes in Milwaukee?

    Like it or not, the damage has already been done. Democracy as we know it is probably dead.

    What disadvantage is there for Trump to cross the Rubicon, assume the presidency, and pull out all the stops against the Democrat provocateur? He has nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

  2. #8312
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    The timing does have meaning. Look at the date in the image on the tweet. It's because it's the anniversary of those trials being held.
    Saw that. Maybe the state department always celebrates that anniversary with a video from the secretary of the state. Granted, it IS the 75th.

    Or..,maybe a subtle hint to kemp in GA (for example) that he best not certify if he KNOWS there is fraud.

    Again, a guy can hope.

  3. #8313
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    Apologies if posted already - ICONIC podcast monologue.
    Only a ten minute listen.

    I think he was referred to about 400 pages ago, but couldn't see anything recent.

    Nice to listen to someone who can speak eloquently and without using 'literally' and 'like' every sentence.

  4. #8314
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  5. #8315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    It is difficult for us to comprehend; It is a more controlled, superficially subtle manifestation of weird than we are used to seeing.
    Honestly, this belief in German infallibility is a large part of the reason why more than half of Europe is locked down. The leaders think along the lines "Well, if the Germans are doing it, there must be something to it". I think that line of thinking should get its own definition, like German bias or whatever. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've lived there as a kid, have family there, do business with them and stuff. Germans are mostly really good and decent people (much more so than most Europeans), their country is well structured and successful, but they have had the same government for 15 years now. For the past three years the government was formed by the two largest parties, like if the Dems and GOP were to form a government, they had run up an awesome 12 years of export policy largely centred on massive Chinese monetary inflation. In addition to that, their chief epidemiology adviser is a villain matched only by the UK's Ferguson, and you get an echo chamber that will do irreparable damage to the country. Very few countries in Europe, and none of the major economies, have been able to resist the temptation to follow the Germans off this particular cliff.

    The major problem that the Germans, and by proxy most of Europe, face now is colors and rules. The German public health institute has drawn completely arbitrary infection rate lines, and actually color-coded areas according to the severity of infection. There is no backing out now, you gotta follow the rules! This was almost forced on the entire EU, but luckily it got lost along the way. The biggest problem however, is the misguided idea that you can lock everything down, no problems, because you can pay people to stay at home. There is this perverse idea that "rich countries" can somehow "afford" to run an endless lockdown, as if any government had money in the bank for this. Angela Merkel will be a cautionary tale told to kids in 50 years time, the crazy bitch is one of the most detrimental people to hold public office in Europe since WW2. It took her a while to show her true face, but it is clear now that she is Jacinda Ardern level insane.

  6. #8316
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    Guys, stop messing with Sully. You are interacting with "professional" Sully as opposed to Sully the person. He CANNOT reveal the person and his true beliefs here as he could easily lose his job. I have relatives in high-enough profile Medical / University positions. They like their jobs too, so they tow the line.

    I have always read Sully's posts through the above filter.
    Haha not true. If I thought posting here could cost me my job, I simply wouldn’t post.

  7. #8317
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltomo View Post
    Bad take.

    "When he loses" is the crux of the argument. Rampant election fraud occurred, whether you believe it or not. This has big implications.

    It's become apparent that most elections for the past several decades probably weren't legitimate either. Why should Californians listen to Newsom's crazy lockdown orders when he probably isn't even their duly elected governor? Why should I listen to Gov. Waltz in Minnesota when he tells me not to visit my parents for Thanksgiving? Why should I listen to fearless leader Evers here in Wisconsin when the party machine that elected him is the same one that managed to magically find 100,000+ votes for Biden at 3 AM the night they decided to take a break from counting votes in Milwaukee?

    Like it or not, the damage has already been done. Democracy as we know it is probably dead.

    What disadvantage is there for Trump to cross the Rubicon, assume the presidency, and pull out all the stops against the Democrat provocateur? He has nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
    I want this shit cleared up too, but I don’t think he would have the right to stay in office if the legal battle is lost. And I also would rather have a barely corrupt working republic than a fucking dictator like you are fantasizing about. What Trump is doing now is such a good thing for our system, this shit needs to be looked over but it doesn’t look like the margin of votes is enough to prove he got cheated out of the election thus far.

  8. #8318
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    The whole thing is a load of bollocks.

  9. #8319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Berry View Post

    However, the MESSAGE has been COVID will give YOUNG people permanent heart damage, to the point where they are should never participate in strenuous activity again. EVER. In fact, this idea was behind a lot of the colleges not playing football....they would die.

    College student I know received a FAILING grade on a paper that questioned this premise, simply stating that it was an over statement of the danger.

    When, in fact, this seems to indicate that the MESSAGE is not reasonable.

    The paper posted above does not have much bearing on this, as I am fairly certain they did not include pediatric patients.

    Now, it is a fact that among the very few kids that get sick from covid, some fraction of them have cardiac injury. This is true also of strep throat. Early on, we didn’t really know what the numbers were for kids getting covid or having lingering consequences, but we know better now. It happens, but it is rare. I agree with you that this is not a good reason to shut everything down. It’s maybe a reason to not send your kids to a party to catch covid in order to get it over with, though.

  10. #8320
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    s/tow the line/toe the line/ ^^

    Yup...something is up: BNO Newsroom Tweet

    More details in the actual tweet.
    Further detail here.

    El Paso COVID update: Latest in deaths, cases, testing sites

    If I read that correctly, the 22 new deaths (all pre-existing conditions) reported on Friday in fact occurred over a two month period, going back to the beginning of October. If that is the case, it appears the various covid “tracking” sites are mis-representing the data. Those sites appear to be plotting each bolus of death certs together, at the wallclock time when those sites receive the data.

    In other words, it appears the timestamps on the deaths certs are being ignored. That would be extremely careless. And that’s my 20k ft view.

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