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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #9891
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    I hate it but I don't think I could disagree more. This dumbass shit show looked like something the left came up with to put an end to ANY efforts the other side might make towards stopping Biden's swearing in. It was a bunch of LARPers, mostly in black block that I'm sure we'll no doubt be told was the best of the Trump crowd. Even though the Trump crowd consists of military and gun owners galore, we're supposed to believe these half assers were the most patriotic, passionate ones. And when they got in there they did what? Walk around and take pics and steal podiums? I've seen bridesmaids at Filene's with more organization and force. I'm terrified you're right. If this is the best day we're so terribly fucked.

    It smells so planned, so playing to the IG type crowd. It's almost like they all hired people, told the cops to kind of half ass it and then a handful of true believers joined them at the last minute. Trump didn't even look like he bought it. This was what they had to do to make the shenanigan filled election stick. The career politicians in congress needed Trump gone. Whether you like him or not you must agree he's a populist. There's a reason why the Trump/Bernie crowd overlap. He doesn't play ball well with them. McConnell literally said he was looking forward to a Biden presidency because Biden is one of them, of course. Everyone's gonna believe the media on this just like they believe them about Covid and it puts a stop to efforts to uncover exactly who did what. This was everything the left could have hoped for. And no, not everyone will buy it, but enough people will. They are not afraid of us right now. They have us exactly where they want us- headed into at least 12 years of Democrat rule and the Great Reset that comes with it.
    If people are so frightened by some weirdos storming the capital with no weapons and a couple of them stealing random shit and decide to embrace totalitarian rule as a result, we are already fucked and nothing can be done. People have been clamoring for almost a whole year for people to finally push back against the bullshit. What did you think pushing back was going to look like? This was far more peaceful than any left protest. Could you imagine a BLM/Antifa demonstration hundreds of thousands strong? That whole city would be on fucking fire. Instead, some shit got broken or stolen in the capital building. Actual people's (not the "people" that govern us) homes or businesses were not destroyed, unlike the "peaceful protests". You are falling for the media narrative by turning on this. You can say it was less than ideal, but these people made their decision to be bold in the moment and took the opportunity. There was NOTHING that was going to happen today that was going to keep Biden from being sworn in. Nothing. The objections weren't going to do shit, because some still happened, and they aren't doing shit. THIS was bigger than Trump, Biden, or any of these fuckers. This was "we are many, it's time for you to stop fucking with us like we have no recourse, because we do." Don't fall for the media bullshit. Today was a symbolic victory for the people vs the hideous machine that really governs them. If you think it was poorly organized, planned, and executed, yes, it was. Because no one did any of that. But these people are not the bad guys. Some guilty of breaking shit, some guilty of stealing shit. Other than that, all the rest were maybe guilty of trespassing?

  2. #9892
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    North Texas


    Ashli Babbit. SAY HER NAME.

  3. #9893
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    Quote Originally Posted by od1 View Post
    Hmm, I don't know. Perhaps the next move could be secession? Texas could lead the way.
    Why not start a new country where votes actually matter?
    That phase of escalation only works if there is still opposition within the government and institutions.
    The military still may have a card to play, but that cannot be counted on.

    The exact plan is not important. It is only important that resistance activities in the next phase be large enough in scale and magnitude to overwhelm government and institutional resources, otherwise they will be ineffective.

    The first victim of the second civil war: Her name was Ashli Babbit

  4. #9894
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    The Italian Job. OK, this is a crazy one - discernment required.

    First it starts with this thread, on a website that is a combination of actual news, trolls and general weirdness. Always an informative and entertaining site. YMMV:

    Just a moment...

    Followed by this story:

    Italygate: is the Italian government directly involved in the US election fraud against Trump? – La cruna dell'ago

    The phone call in question can be downloaded here.


  5. #9895
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    I was there at the rally. All the supporters, and the rallyers there were pretty chill. No one seemed violent, no one seemed angry, nothing seemed like it was going to escalate. it was only after Trump had spoken, and some other people started marching the streets of DC that were acting really sketchy, that flags started to raise in my head. Those people just seemed well... off. My guess is that it was Antifa people. Thankfully, my family and I are all safe and sound. We decided to head back to our b&b after the rally, and get some food because we were hungry and tired.

    It was after we got back, that we saw that shit hit the fan. It got violent, and we were praying for the safety of all the people there. But then Trump posted a video on Twitter saying "hey y'all, calm the eff down, and stop being so freaking violent. This is supposed to be a peaceful thing, not a violent thing".

    That video was apparently purged from the internet. Now all the mainstream media outlets are saying that Trump instigated this, and wants this to be violent and reckless.

    Anybody possibly have a link to his video that has been archived?

  6. #9896
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  7. #9897
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    I could be wrong, but AK47 uses 7.62 as well and I think it can use the NATO round, but you cannot use the AK47 7.62 in NATO weapons, if so smart move by Mr Kalashnikov.
    I'm not so sure on the specifics, but I do remember few buddies who served in missions in Afghanistan who said a bunch of non-US soliders there bought used AKs because unlike M16s, you could load it with super cheap, super accessible bullets.

  8. #9898
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    The best day ever is what's going on over there. The American people have exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds. Today they get to be afraid of us instead of us afraid of them.

    Well what I don't understand is that these protestors mostly looked very relaxed. These were not the pitched street battles of antifa and yet the media is squealing violence and it seems like the cops just let them walk in without sending backup. It's easy to be wrong because I'm only seeing what they're showing.

  9. #9899
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Ashli Babbit. SAY HER NAME.
    Looked like a murder to me.

  10. #9900
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Ashli Babbit. SAY HER NAME.
    I guess some capitol hill cop stood his ground.

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