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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    You're a national socialist. You all are. You want a national socialist government, economy, all that jazz. I personally don't mind the fact that you are racists and misogynists, I mind the socialist part. I've been there, I know how it ends up. Pinochet was right, they should throw you out of helicopters, the lot of you, "right" or "left" socialists.
    Jovan please allow me to make the same old mistake that I always make with you on this general "nazi" subject, and assume you're *not* just being facetious, detached and ironic and you wouldn't actually mind a society where the government extrajudiciously executes their political enemies... I'm not mad at it. It happens in our socities, anyway.

    Your only complaint is a... material one? Your only issue is about how the economy is run?

    We do know that Liberal thought has lead to as much fuckery as anything that came before it, including absolute monarchy. I recognise that power comes from the top down regardless.

    And you've sampled Communism, which was international and antithetical to blood and soil Nationalism. You won't accept that observation, because someone in both cases taxes you, claims to know how to run a country better than you and spends your money for you.

    We've now all endured capitalism. Honest people just call it Neoliberalism or you call it "CrOnY cApItAliSm" if you're a Lolbertarian.

    Libertarian, full-fat free market economics only exists in the pages of books written by people who emigrated out of Germany and Eastern Europe in WW2, who used to be commies, but realised the middle classes were more politically useful when kept alive, relatively happy and relatively wealthy. It serves to lure people with autistic traits into a political dead-end. It encourages them to mentally masturbate themselves into oblivion while the people who have, y'know, the actual power run completely roughshod over them with impunity.

    You can't have just "the right amount" or a little bit of Liberalism. It's binary. America 2024 IS the end product of Liberal thought. To be quite honest, I don't give a fuck which economic model is selected as long as my own people don't get erased from history. Not everyone only cares about economics, and taxation - and have a sense of their "own people, still. We do know a few things: human beings do not think or behave first and foremost as individuals. Human beings are social, tribal, group animals. So, pick a form of government which doesn't pretend to ignore human nature and history. Your own country is marred by inter-ethnic conflict, which you more than once held up as a warning of the danger of group-think and racialised politics. No, all it does is illustrate my point. If two different ethnic tribes who have locally rubbed shoulders for hundreds or a thousand years can't get along and want to murder each other, how the fuck is this White erasure through mass immigration going to pan out?

  2. #30132
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    Jovan please allow me to make the same old mistake that I always make with you on this general "nazi" subject, and assume you're *not* just being facetious, detached and ironic and you wouldn't actually mind a society where the government extrajudiciously executes their political enemies... I'm not mad at it. It happens in our socities, anyway.

    Your only complaint is a... material one? Your only issue is about how the economy is run?

    We do know that Liberal thought has lead to as much fuckery as anything that came before it, including absolute monarchy. I recognise that power comes from the top down regardless.

    And you've sampled Communism, which was international and antithetical to blood and soil Nationalism. You won't accept that observation, because someone in both cases taxes you, claims to know how to run a country better than you and spends your money for you.

    We've now all endured capitalism. Honest people just call it Neoliberalism or you call it "CrOnY cApItAliSm" if you're a Lolbertarian.

    Libertarian, full-fat free market economics only exists in the pages of books written by people who emigrated out of Germany and Eastern Europe in WW2, who used to be commies, but realised the middle classes were more politically useful when kept alive, relatively happy and relatively wealthy. It serves to lure people with autistic traits into a political dead-end. It encourages them to mentally masturbate themselves into oblivion while the people who have, y'know, the actual power run completely roughshod over them with impunity.

    You can't have just "the right amount" or a little bit of Liberalism. It's binary. America 2024 IS the end product of Liberal thought. To be quite honest, I don't give a fuck which economic model is selected as long as my own people don't get erased from history. Not everyone only cares about economics, and taxation - and have a sense of their "own people, still. We do know a few things: human beings do not think or behave first and foremost as individuals. Human beings are social, tribal, group animals. So, pick a form of government which doesn't pretend to ignore human nature and history. Your own country is marred by inter-ethnic conflict, which you more than once held up as a warning of the danger of group-think and racialised politics. No, all it does is illustrate my point. If two different ethnic tribes who have locally rubbed shoulders for hundreds or a thousand years can't get along and want to murder each other, how the fuck is this White erasure through mass immigration going to pan out?
    Ok, dude, I have taken the trouble to bold some of your own words. You are a national socialist. As in, you care about the nation first, and you want a socialist type of ordering of society. It's not just the economy, you want a bunch of silly shit like for instance the state to find you a suitable woman outside of your league to "breed" her and continue your obviously superior genetic line which will be unable to read more than 15 minutes at a time. German makes heavy use of compound nouns, so a guy like you in German would be called a (ein) Nationalsozialist. They read the first letter t as ts, which they write as z. So the abbreviation is Nazi. Nati-, read as Natsi, spelled Nazi. I don't understand what your problem with the terminology is, this is just what you are. I have no idea why you guys run from the term, but it speaks to how much I can count on guys like you if (I hope when) everyone goes bankrupt and I get to form guerilla squads to deal with the problem. Meaning not at all, you don't get into fights unless it's 10 to 1.

    I will under no circumstances get into a debate with you about liberalism. It would be completely pointless, I have read the source material from which you draw your bullet points, you have read abbreviations of abbreviations compounded for you by a bunch of grifters. It would be like that guy Athlean X or whatever his name his, the one who got caught deadlifting foam plates, challenging Chase Lindley to a press competition. Liberalism - with all of its offshoots like libertarianism and "anarcho" "capitalism" - is just a form of corporatism, meaning fascism. Fascism has a bunch of problems, but at least it is able to create something, so it is a million times better than the sweet embrace of the nanny state in which I would for instance have to share an opinion with you, just because we are the same blood or nation or whatever idiotic abstraction you want to term your inability to score a hot chick.

  3. #30133
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Ok, dude, I have taken the trouble to bold some of your own words. You are a national socialist. As in, you care about the nation first, and you want a socialist type of ordering of society. It's not just the economy, you want a bunch of silly shit like for instance the state to find you a suitable woman outside of your league to "breed" her and continue your obviously superior genetic line which will be unable to read more than 15 minutes at a time. German makes heavy use of compound nouns, so a guy like you in German would be called a (ein) Nationalsozialist. They read the first letter t as ts, which they write as z. So the abbreviation is Nazi. Nati-, read as Natsi, spelled Nazi. I don't understand what your problem with the terminology is, this is just what you are. I have no idea why you guys run from the term, but it speaks to how much I can count on guys like you if (I hope when) everyone goes bankrupt and I get to form guerilla squads to deal with the problem. Meaning not at all, you don't get into fights unless it's 10 to 1.

    I will under no circumstances get into a debate with you about liberalism. It would be completely pointless, I have read the source material from which you draw your bullet points, you have read abbreviations of abbreviations compounded for you by a bunch of grifters. It would be like that guy Athlean X or whatever his name his, the one who got caught deadlifting foam plates, challenging Chase Lindley to a press competition. Liberalism - with all of its offshoots like libertarianism and "anarcho" "capitalism" - is just a form of corporatism, meaning fascism. Fascism has a bunch of problems, but at least it is able to create something, so it is a million times better than the sweet embrace of the nanny state in which I would for instance have to share an opinion with you, just because we are the same blood or nation or whatever idiotic abstraction you want to term your inability to score a hot chick.
    I kind of agreed with Matt until I saw those bold words in your post, I had no idea that bold mean what people REALLY meant.

    Just out of interest, because I haven’t read those source materials. Can you define liberalism and what it means? In theory and what it means in practice? I know how people in day to day life think of and use political terminologies differ from their technical meanings.

  4. #30134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ads View Post
    I was listening to what some describe as the greatest podcast on the internet before reading this - they were talking about great movies - so I couldn't help but think of this scene from Gladiator
    Kind of a different scene though eh. Making their stand & facing their enemy head on.

    Vs: raping and butchering their way through a music festival. Staging attacks from and hiding their weapons in hospitals. Etc.

    It is understandable though. However, if they want to fight and die for their honour, eternal glory and virgins etc etc. They should get on with it. Palestinian extremists have destroyed any chance of peace or a safe home for their sane citizens for decades now.

  5. #30135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Just out of interest, because I haven’t read those source materials. Can you define liberalism and what it means? In theory and what it means in practice? I know how people in day to day life think of and use political terminologies differ from their technical meanings.
    Why would I need to define liberalism? It was defined by the people who invented it, every single one of whom was employed by the British East India Company. It was designed to benefit the Company exclusively, in all of liberalism’s points - economically, socially, politically… It still does, the Company just pretends to call itself differently.

  6. #30136
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Ok, dude, I have taken the trouble to bold some of your own words. You are a national socialist. As in, you care about the nation first, and you want a socialist type of ordering of society. It's not just the economy, you want a bunch of silly shit like for instance the state to find you a suitable woman outside of your league to "breed" her and continue your obviously superior genetic line which will be unable to read more than 15 minutes at a time. German makes heavy use of compound nouns, so a guy like you in German would be called a (ein) Nationalsozialist. They read the first letter t as ts, which they write as z. So the abbreviation is Nazi. Nati-, read as Natsi, spelled Nazi. I don't understand what your problem with the terminology is, this is just what you are. I have no idea why you guys run from the term, but it speaks to how much I can count on guys like you if (I hope when) everyone goes bankrupt and I get to form guerilla squads to deal with the problem. Meaning not at all, you don't get into fights unless it's 10 to 1.

    I will under no circumstances get into a debate with you about liberalism. It would be completely pointless, I have read the source material from which you draw your bullet points, you have read abbreviations of abbreviations compounded for you by a bunch of grifters. It would be like that guy Athlean X or whatever his name his, the one who got caught deadlifting foam plates, challenging Chase Lindley to a press competition. Liberalism - with all of its offshoots like libertarianism and "anarcho" "capitalism" - is just a form of corporatism, meaning fascism. Fascism has a bunch of problems, but at least it is able to create something, so it is a million times better than the sweet embrace of the nanny state in which I would for instance have to share an opinion with you, just because we are the same blood or nation or whatever idiotic abstraction you want to term your inability to score a hot chick.
    You're an intelligent person but come across as an absolute cunt.

    I'm done with you. Continue to pop up every time people criticise the organised Jewish community in this thread, and out everyone as "Nazis!". Or just post a hyperlink to a jpeg of Adolf Hitler to save time, but I won't bite anymore.

  7. #30137
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Market Ticker is completely right. The medical industry is a socialist wet dream. It leads to mid-wits in power with no checks and balances. The medical industry is a hall of mirrors with no accountability as Vaknin points out. This is not surprising that Climate Change and Covid are all focused around one’s health. This is the Trojan horse folks. I don’t think they will stop it like The Ticker guy wants. We will have more and more government doctors (objective measurements based on government recommendations). The only real way out is fracturing and starting over IMHO.

    Some Must Love Heat.... in [Market-Ticker]

    MD (Most Dangerous) Narcissists of All: Medical Doctors, Physicians - YouTube

  8. #30138
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    you don't get into fights unless it's 10 to 1.
    Pretty much everyone, except for a very small minority, is like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    so it is a million times better than the sweet embrace of the nanny state in which I would for instance have to share an opinion with you, just because we are the same blood or nation or whatever idiotic abstraction you want to term your inability to score a hot chick.
    The whole history of humanity is to some extent or other having to "share opinions" with a group of people based on "blood or nation". It is not an abstraction, but the opposite. It's the natural state of man. You might as well say the family is an abstraction.

    What's really crazy is basing a pseudo-tribal organization on actual abstract ideas, and pretending it will be anything other than hopelessly fragile. In fact, it is this situation that makes the policing of opinion most essential, since without that policing there is little else that holds the pseudo-tribe together.

  9. #30139
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

  10. #30140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Why would I need to define liberalism? It was defined by the people who invented it, every single one of whom was employed by the British East India Company. It was designed to benefit the Company exclusively, in all of liberalism’s points - economically, socially, politically… It still does, the Company just pretends to call itself differently.
    Define it anyway, just for practice.


    Here's a refreshingly honest perspective from an NPR employee: I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.

    Back in 2011, although NPR’s audience tilted a bit to the left, it still bore a resemblance to America at large. Twenty-six percent of listeners described themselves as conservative, 23 percent as middle of the road, and 37 percent as liberal.

    By 2023, the picture was completely different: only 11 percent described themselves as very or somewhat conservative, 21 percent as middle of the road, and 67 percent of listeners said they were very or somewhat liberal. We weren’t just losing conservatives; we were also losing moderates and traditional liberals.

    An open-minded spirit no longer exists within NPR, and now, predictably, we don’t have an audience that reflects America.

    That wouldn’t be a problem for an openly polemical news outlet serving a niche audience. But for NPR, which purports to consider all things, it’s devastating both for its journalism and its business model.


    The laptop was newsworthy. But the timeless journalistic instinct of following a hot story lead was being squelched. During a meeting with colleagues, I listened as one of NPR’s best and most fair-minded journalists said it was good we weren’t following the laptop story because it could help Trump.
    And this applies in varying degree to all of them.

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