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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30951
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    The Boomers.

    They're so contemptible, that even Victor Davis Hanson can't help but acknowledge it:

    The Destructive Generation—Proving America’s Weakest Link

    Anti this is fun generational warfare porn but did you notice how Hanson has to uplift the Silent Generation in order to shit on their children, the Boomers?

    Who raised the Boomers (who turned out to be constitutional-republic destroyers)? That Silent Generation.
    And who raised the Silent Generation, who turned out to be POS parents?
    The GI Generation?
    And who were the shitty parents who raised that generation, the Lost Generation? But they were too busy trying to survive and create a new life after the Industrial Revolution and the novel spread of Media (they actually were the 1st to get exposed to this IIRC), weren't they?
    So, I guess the Lost's have the best excuse for being shitty parents and creating the seeds of each subsequent generation, where the Silent's eventually birthed the society-destroying Boomers, but who cares who had the best excuse for failure, right? How does identifying the generation that had the worst challenges change anything?

    ....Do you see where this is headed...?

    If anyone else out there also has/had friends or family who were/are failures in some area of their lives, you know how useless it is to figure out that, no, this person isn't actually a psychopathic POS human, XYZ just happened to them in their formative years, which caused them to have this awful character and behavior, but....who the fuck cares? Having the best excuse for becoming a shitty person or crappy standard bearer of society of course doesn't help you at all, as you wallow in despair and complaint, but, MORE IMPORTANTLY, it doesn't help your descendants in any way!

    -->The best way to improve your character and behavior, to improve your interpersonal relationships, so that your kids and grandkids do better than you, is to STOP the decisions and behavior patterns that led to this awful mess....just CHOOSE to stop them and STOP wasting energy worrying about how unfair it is that YOU have been left with this mess to fix (when your father made all these child-rearing mistakes, and his father was a crappy parent, and the Silent Generation raised shitty kids, too, wah wah wah...)

    So, the solution to fixing this generational warfare mindset (or inter-generational blaming-your-family mindset) is to strive to be the best parent/person you can be, so that your kids hopefully will build better families and societies, or at the very least will have so few childhood traumas that they hopefully will repeat your positive approach to family, so that eventually we break this chain that the Lost's set up for the GI's set up for the Silent's set up for the Baby Boomer generation set up for the Millenials.

    Current behavior of us Millennials (I'm among the oldest, about to turn 41) does not give a whole lot of hope! But, I'm hoping that our widespread access to various self-improvement and psychology (and strength-training!) materials on the Internet (without needing the filter of a psychotherapist whom you pay to blame your problems on others) will help. So, hopefully us Millennials will start choosing en masse to break these unhealthy chains and raise our kids in ways that don't allow the mistakes of all these previous generations of Americans to once again gather enough momentum to ultimately destroy the society and culture.

  2. #30952
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    This is also excellent proof that universal franchise voting is evil. They tell everyone they are giving them "freedom", while knowing perfectly well that they can manipulate 60+% of them like robots.

    And if you did a demographic focused version of this experiment, I'd bet you that those pesky white male land owners would be at the top of the pack when it comes to rejecting dubious authority.
    The perils of obedience

    Whenever Milgram is mentioned I try to tack on his follow up summary of the experiments, this is a summary of the whole essay which is well worth the read, but the 5-10 minutes anyone takes to read this will be more important than anything else you do today. This link should not remain unclicked.

    If you are on the way to your own wedding the most important part is here:

    Once authority has been isolated as the cause of the subject's behavior, it is legitimate to inquire into the necessary elements of authority and how it must be perceived in order to gain his compliance. We conducted some investigations into the kinds of changes that would cause the experimenter to lose his power and to be disobeyed by the subject. Some of the variations revealed that:

    The experimenter's physical presence has a marked impact on his authority -- As cited earlier, obedience dropped off sharply when orders were given by telephone. The experimenter could often induce a disobedient subject to go on by returning to the laboratory.

    Conflicting authority severely paralyzes actions -- When two experimenters of equal status, both seated at the command desk, gave incompatible orders, no shocks were delivered past the point of their disagreement.

    The rebellious action of others severely undermines authority -- In one variation, three teachers (two actors and a real subject) administered a test and shocks. When the two actors disobeyed the experimenter and refused to go beyond a certain shock level, thirty-six of forty subjects joined their disobedient peers and refused as well.

    Although the experimenter's authority was fragile in some respects, it is also true that he had almost none of the tools used in ordinary command structures. For example, the experimenter did not threaten the subjects with punishment -- such as loss of income, community ostracism, or jail -- for failure to obey. Neither could he offer incentives. Indeed, we should expect the experimenter's authority to be much less than that of someone like a general, since the experimenter has no power to enforce his imperatives, and since participation in a psychological experiment scarcely evokes the sense of urgency and dedication found in warfare. Despite these limitations, he still managed to command a dismaying degree of obedience.

    I will cite one final variation of the experiment that depicts a dilemma that is more common in everyday life. The subject was not ordered to pull the lever that shocked the victim, but merely to perform a subsidiary task (administering the word-pair test) while another person administered the shock. In this situation, thirty-seven of forty adults continued to the highest level of the shock generator. Predictably, they excused their behavior by saying that the responsibility belonged to the man who actually pulled the switch. This may illustrate a dangerously typical arrangement in a complex society: it is easy to ignore responsibility when one is only an intermediate link in a chain of actions.

  3. #30953
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    I watched The Wizard of Oz a couple years ago, and the Wicked Witch of The West was so obviously a Jew. Not just in the caricatured appearance, but in her behavior.

    The silenced goyim have been sneeking this stuff in for over a century, and what good has it done? I'm sick of the subtle.

    I used to be subtle about the Jews when I posted here. But I got tired of the stupid games. We don't got time for that shit anymore. We have to consider all the availabe information, and not piss our pants when Jewish action or influence is considered and analyzed.

  4. #30954
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Just take divorce, for example. Your generation is worse than any generation before or after. Why is that?
    I guess that's because nobody gets married anymore, combined with men are women and women prefer to go with other women over men who are women usually..

    I'm really not understanding all the hatred of boomers. I think that it's naive to believe that once a new generation are in charge things will be better. Things will stay the same or get worse, and the people in charge will still be the people in charge and those people are almost always evil. A new generation of evil leaders is not going to improve anything.

    And no new gen z'r or whatever we're up to now is going to do anything other than change their gender and cry about climate change when it rains or the sun comes out.

  5. #30955
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    ...Why do you get defensive over this? Are you happy that the boomers allowed and cheered on one of the most destructive cultural revolutions in the history of the world? Do you think just sitting by as centuries of established social order was overturned was cool and groovy? Are you proud of what your generation allowed to be normalized? If so, defend it. Because the only empty bitching I see here is your post.
    Here is the issue; for some reason, the baby boomer generation insists on defending the failed cultural that has gotten us here.
    Not only will they defend it, they will try to turn the tables to attack you for noticing its failures.
    If that wasn't enough, they then completely refuse to take any responsibility and refuse to make the slightest effort to change their behaviour or thinking.

    For example, if you criticize the social media addiction of the Zoomers, they will often admit it is a harmful behaviour that should be changed.
    If you criticize the Boomers for their television addiction, they say you are a mean person for suggesting they not watch too much television.

    If you tell a Boomer it was easier to buy a house or start a business 40 years ago, they will launch into a diatribe about how it akshually is more affordable today; just stop whining and wage-slave harder.
    If you tell a millennial they don't work hard enough, they usually will agree and express a desire to work harder if there is any hope it will be enough to upgrade from eating ze bugz to living in a van.

    The boomers will send their kids off to fight in the Ukraine or israel if it means they can go still go windsurfing while vacationing in Vietnam.
    The Gen Xers don't want their children fooled into fighting another Iraq war.

    There are many exceptions, like Rip, who do not at all behave in these stereotypical ways, however far too many boomers in high positions are defined by this type of personality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Anti this is fun generational warfare porn but did you notice how Hanson has to uplift the Silent Generation in order to shit on their children, the Boomers?
    Current behavior of us Millennials (I'm among the oldest, about to turn 41) does not give a whole lot of hope! But, I'm hoping that our widespread access to various self-improvement and psychology (and strength-training!) materials on the Internet (without needing the filter of a psychotherapist whom you pay to blame your problems on others) will help. So, hopefully us Millennials will start choosing en masse to break these unhealthy chains and raise our kids in ways that don't allow the mistakes of all these previous generations of Americans to once again gather enough momentum to ultimately destroy the society and culture.
    You are correct that generational squabbling is neither desirable nor productive.
    But, something needs to change; the time for gentle understanding is over.
    Those who can change for the better due to rational discourse already have.

    We can't simply wait for the boomers to give up power; it will take too long.
    There are only two things the intransigent boomers will understand:
    1. Social pressure
    2. Financial pressure

    I don't like it, but we must now ostracize them for their mistakes as a group; especially when they blame others for noticing or demand the right to continue making those mistakes.

    Financial pressure is harder to apply, but Boomers are now a minority and we live in a democracy; they voted themselves generous welfare gifts and we now have the numbers to vote those welfare gifts out of existence if their behaviour doesn't change.

  6. #30956
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Anti this is fun generational warfare porn but did you notice how Hanson has to uplift the Silent Generation in order to shit on their children, the Boomers?

    Who raised the Boomers (who turned out to be constitutional-republic destroyers)? That Silent Generation.
    And who raised the Silent Generation, who turned out to be POS parents?
    The GI Generation?
    And who were the shitty parents who raised that generation, the Lost Generation? But they were too busy trying to survive and create a new life after the Industrial Revolution and the novel spread of Media (they actually were the 1st to get exposed to this IIRC), weren't they?
    So, I guess the Lost's have the best excuse for being shitty parents and creating the seeds of each subsequent generation, where the Silent's eventually birthed the society-destroying Boomers, but who cares who had the best excuse for failure, right? How does identifying the generation that had the worst challenges change anything?

    ....Do you see where this is headed...?

    If anyone else out there also has/had friends or family who were/are failures in some area of their lives, you know how useless it is to figure out that, no, this person isn't actually a psychopathic POS human, XYZ just happened to them in their formative years, which caused them to have this awful character and behavior, but....who the fuck cares? Having the best excuse for becoming a shitty person or crappy standard bearer of society of course doesn't help you at all, as you wallow in despair and complaint, but, MORE IMPORTANTLY, it doesn't help your descendants in any way!

    -->The best way to improve your character and behavior, to improve your interpersonal relationships, so that your kids and grandkids do better than you, is to STOP the decisions and behavior patterns that led to this awful mess....just CHOOSE to stop them and STOP wasting energy worrying about how unfair it is that YOU have been left with this mess to fix (when your father made all these child-rearing mistakes, and his father was a crappy parent, and the Silent Generation raised shitty kids, too, wah wah wah...)

    So, the solution to fixing this generational warfare mindset (or inter-generational blaming-your-family mindset) is to strive to be the best parent/person you can be, so that your kids hopefully will build better families and societies, or at the very least will have so few childhood traumas that they hopefully will repeat your positive approach to family, so that eventually we break this chain that the Lost's set up for the GI's set up for the Silent's set up for the Baby Boomer generation set up for the Millenials.

    Current behavior of us Millennials (I'm among the oldest, about to turn 41) does not give a whole lot of hope! But, I'm hoping that our widespread access to various self-improvement and psychology (and strength-training!) materials on the Internet (without needing the filter of a psychotherapist whom you pay to blame your problems on others) will help. So, hopefully us Millennials will start choosing en masse to break these unhealthy chains and raise our kids in ways that don't allow the mistakes of all these previous generations of Americans to once again gather enough momentum to ultimately destroy the society and culture.
    At about to turn 41, you are Generation Y, a sub cohort of Generation X with a particular set of features. I am, too. You might enjoy the anthology “Afterglow” that I’ll link below. Afterglow: Generation Y eBook : Stewart, David V.: Kindle Store

  7. #30957
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stump View Post
    So what's the plan once we're gone?

    Are you going to do anything while you're waiting out the 20-30 years until we are, or just keep cursing, bitching about and blaming us for everything on social media?
    There is no plan, just a list of grievances. Every generation has their dissident group that blames others for their failures in life. Blame the Jews, the blacks, the whites, the immigrants, the MAN, the "others". We boomers had more than our share of grievance consumed weirdos too. Generally finding a place to focus blame is the objective they seek, then the endless whining begins. We hear it every day from the Socialist Democrat Grievance party.

    Fortunately the majority of the population of upcoming generations are focused on living a productive life without being consumed by ageist hatred.

    Waiting to do something? Those that are curious should research the ages of the founding fathers of the United States at the time of the revolution. They did not wait until the hierarchy died off. They were men, and some women, that took action.

  8. #30958
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    I missed an interesting opportunity this morning.

    Heard a knock on the door earlier. I was upstairs and looked out the window and there was a Tesla parked in my driveway. I live on a private dead end half mile long gravel road with just a few houses. No one comes knocking on the door here, and hardly anyone drives EVs in this part of the state.

    Anyway, turns out it was a Dem state rep who I disagree with on every policy she supports.

    I wouldn't have chased her off the property, but really should have spent a few minutes talking with her about policy.

    I wonder if I could have changed her mind or maybe open up an actual conversation?

  9. #30959
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    And no new gen z'r or whatever we're up to now is going to do anything other than change their gender and cry about climate change when it rains or the sun comes out.
    Today is the 42nd year of the Hotter'n Hell One Hundred bike race in Wichita Falls. It pre-dates the "Climate Crisis" by several years. I get so tired of this peri-political whining about summer being hot.

    Commentary #6: Global Warming


    Denninger today, very good one: Drunken RFK-Cast in [Market-Ticker-Nad]

  10. #30960
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    I'm really not understanding all the hatred of boomers.
    That's the hallmark of Boomers. The Australian Boomer is especially dumb, so I'll say a made up conversation, but it'll be eerily familiar to you regardless.

    "How's your grandson getting along Marty?"

    "Oh yeah alright, weirdest thing he goes by different pronouns now and we're all really supportive of that, anyway did you try this new drop? I picked up a case at a wine tour last week"

    Boomer thinking is the complete absence of understanding of their current circumstances paired with the complete indifference to their current predicament. It's like a sentient turd in the ocean that caught a lucky wave to wash up on shore and is now enjoying the sunshine as it slowly dries out, oblivious to it's future, or how it got where it is currently. But it is enjoying the view though.

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