Do you think that every workout must leave you feeling "run into the ground"? Why?
Hey Mark, I read the article about two lifts per day for master athletes. Such as deadlifts, press, chins one day and squat, bench, dips another. With a hard physical job i find this programming doesn’t leave me feeling run into the ground. In your opinion is this still good enough to drive adaption every workout but just slower progress overall due to less squat volume? And if a Texas method style would even be possible as it would only have you doing an intensity workout every 8-9 days. Thanks
Do you think that every workout must leave you feeling "run into the ground"? Why?
I assume it’s extra stress from doing hard physical labour all day. Just wondering if I can still make progress on the two lift per day program as I feel better on that or if it’s not enough stress to drive the adaption.
How long have you had the job?
10+ years. Adapted to the job for sure but squats are mid 300’s now and starting to get harder to recover from 3x per week going up 5lb every workout. Just been feeling like shit. Sleeping and eating lots.
Define "lots."
4000-4500 calories. 8 hours sleep per night.
Lots of people manage to train under your circumstances. I don't understand.
Regarding the Eating: Are you SURE you're hitting those calorie numbers? Are you getting the right amount of protein? How do you KNOW you're sure, how have you MADE sure?
Regarding the sleep: Are you drinking? do you sleep poorly? Are you smoking weed/on medications? Are you unconscious and asleep for 8 whole hours? are there interruptions? Are you just lying there?
There's something obvious you're missing or not mentioning.