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Thread: rectraction of scapula on bench

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default rectraction of scapula on bench

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    My spotter noticed today that my shoulder was coming forward on the bench. I'll admit, it is possible that I was breathing too deeply and this may have caused it. However, do you think that this could also be due to weakness in my upper back? My spotter was recommending that I add some rows, but I don't really want to fuck with the program, and I know your opinion on rows, so I thought that I would ask for your advice first. I have been doing the Onus Wunsler program, and my progress in chins has been extremely slow to nonexistent, despite gains in the other lifts. I can currently do 7, and I use full ROM. My stats are: 5'9 161lbs, Bench: 140, Press: 90, Squat: 205, DL: 240, Cleans: 130. Should I make any changes?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    No changes, just more practice on keeping your chest up. At your level this will not be a strength issue, especially at 7 pullups, which is not that bad. Motor learning is your friend. Learn to pinch my hand between your shoulder blades while you're laying on the bench, and then push your chest up with your feet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Not only is 7 chins not that bad, but don't beat yourself up about a perceived lack of progress on them. I think it was in Practical Programming where Rip/Kilgore pointed out that if you are steadily gaining a little bodyweight, you are actually getting "stronger" on chins even if your reps stay the same.

    So, for example, if you can manage no more than 7 reps for a couple sets on chins for a period of several months but your bodyweight goes up 20 pounds in that time, it's no different than adding 20 pounds to something like the press.

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