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Thread: Lateral Hip Shift+

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Lateral Hip Shift+

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I am finally getting around to making own post per my statement in this thread:

    Initially I worked up to 285x5x3 with this poor form. Mainly it appears to be knees not pushed out.

    You can tell that my knees arent out enough in this video:

    I eventually developed an issue with my right QL and TFL. I didnt know what I what was up quite yet so I just backed off and let it heal up and the pain faded. I went right back at it and worked up to the same weight and developed a problem wth my left TFL and glute med/min. The right QL occasionally popped up but the pain was always manageable.
    I started working front squats and took video from behind and noticed my knees arent out enough. So I backed off again and tried to relearn form as well as heal up the TFL, glute med/min issue, and see if I could knock out the QL issue once and for all.
    This video is before I discovered my right side bias and hip shift, but starting to press kness out. I also figured out that I am leaning forward too far from this video and have fixed that. Notice that my left leg is much more out than my right (lateral shift).

    Notice what happens when I try to center my hips:

    My knee will either pop in and forward (I think) and my hips will shift right at the bottom or if my knee stays where it is supposed to my hips pop to the right and I have to correct it on the way up. When my knee moves in it also seems to be forward as well. If you look at the height of my knees at the bottom the left will appear to be taller than the other, but I think this is because of the knee being forward. It makes my squat depth look good on the left but not on the right. The forward knee could be from unlocking the back on the right side or a hip twist or it could be completely due to the knee collapsing inward. The right side of my hip also appears to be hiked up slightly. I think my left leg feels like it is being worked more because it is getting "more depth" than the other leg.
    I believe this due to tight adductors in my right leg. Stretching has kind of confirmed this and it definitely feels like its been stretched with a heavy load after squating. I am also inconsistant with "head down" even though I know it gives me a better bounce. I just havent ingrained it yet. The left TFL is fine now, but I still get managable glute med/min pain in both hips and lately my vastus lateralis are getting beat up pretty bad. In my mind this shouldnt happen if form is correct especially at weight lighter than I have squated before.
    Is there anything I havent picked out already that I am also doing wrong? Is there any advice that would speed me on my way to a normal squat? It seems like any time I get close to 300 something pops up. Am I doomed to always be squating weinie weight?
    I have vids of practically everytime I have squated lately since my form is FUBAR so if more is necessary/helpful I have plenty. Sorry for the book.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I don't think you're failing to get your knees out. I think you have a short right leg, and I know that you are squatting essentially all your reps a little high except the first one of each set, and that your stance is about 1.5 inches wider that I'd have you using. The right hip is out/knee is in, but again I believe this to be due to the short leg. Get it measured, and then put a shim under your right foot when you do standing exercises and see if the pain goes away.

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