Originally Posted by
Tim K
I'm 31, 5'11", and my weight is currently fluctuating around 245ish. Just finished a run of HLM that got my squat (highbar) up to 405x5 but I also gained some fat doing it. Other recent PR's are 555x3 deadlift, 252.5x3 bench, and 190x3 press. BF% is in the high 20's I would estimate. I would like to get it down to the 15-20% range while maintaining as much strength as possible. Eating 3000 cal/day right now, getting 8 hours of sleep a night. Outside of training I'm mostly sedentary, working from home at my computer the majority of the time. Just started a 5/3/1 program for a change of pace so I'm lifting 4 times a week, MTTF, and and planning on doing HIIT on the airdyne twice a week on Monday and Friday and doing a 17 mile bike ride on Wednesday. As far as current level of conditioning, I guess it's pretty low since I can only do 5 intervals with a 1:6 ratio. Not sure how else to gauge that.