What are your carbohydrate sources? Height/Weight/Age?
I’m a few months into the process, and I’m steadily gaining weight, but my digestion is starting to take a turn for the worse, specifically when it comes to starchy carbohydrates. I know we’re encouraged to keep the fats on the lower side and increase the carbs as a way to push calories, but once I pass 150-200g of carbs in a day I start getting bloating, gas, and other digestive discomfort that makes pushing the calories difficult.
My question is: would it be counterproductive to try and push the fats a little higher instead in order to remain in a calorie surplus, while minimizing digestive issues? I know carbs are more anabolic and more useful for strength and muscle gains, but being bloated and gassy and having a distended belly all the time is not worth it. I feel great when I keep the carbs around 200 or less per day, and add a little extra avocado, nut butter, etc to make up the the calories. No problems keeping the protein high, other than the increased satiety, but I can deal with that.
What are your carbohydrate sources? Height/Weight/Age?
Have you narrowed down which of these are causing the issue? Maybe try eating rice exclusively and see what that does. Then add the fruit or potato back in etc.