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Thread: More Weight: Izzy T's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington

    Default More Weight: Izzy T's Log

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Name: Israel Thomas Narvaez
    Height: 5'6", Weight: 240lbs, Age: 21

    Squat: 445x5
    Bench: 240x5 / 245x4
    Deadlift: 396x5 / 455x1
    Press: 160x5x3 / 165x5

    1) Post a USAPL Total
    2) Post a USAPL Total in the 165lbs weight class
    3) Post a 1200+ USAPL Total in the 165lbs weight class

    Next Meet:
    Date: June 23rd
    Event: Seattle Summer Classic
    Federation: USAPL
    Intended Weight Class: 220
    Performance Goals: 455/275/455/1185

    All percentages based on a training max calculated via Wendler's 1RM formula.

    Low-Bar, Wide-Stance Squats: 40% x 5, 50% x 5, 60% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1
    High-Bar, Narrow-Stance Squats: 75% x 8
    Single-Leg, Deep, Paused Leg Press: 3x8 (sets across)
    Full GHRs: 3x8 (sets across)
    10 hill sprints with a 50lbs vest for time, 1m between sprints

    30m-60m Morning Walk @ ~120bpm

    Wide-grip, Paused Bench: 40% x 5, 50% x 5, 60% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1
    Close-grip Bench: 75% x 8
    Dumbbell Bench: 3x8 (sets across)
    Dumbbell Row: 3x8 (sets across)

    30-60m morning walk @ ~120bpm

    Conventional Deadlifts: 40% x 5, 50% x 5, 60% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1
    Sumo Deadlifts: 75% x 8
    SSB Good Mornings: 3x8 (sets across)
    Ab Wheel: 3x8 (sets across)

    Olympic Press: 40% x 5, 50% x 5, 60% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1
    Strict Press: 75% x 8
    Dips: 3x8 (sets across)
    Chinups: 3x8 (sets across)

    30-60m walk @ ~120bpm

    Paleo with nonfat milk in my protein shakes, white rice, and liquid carbs before/during workouts
    Calories autoregulated based on hunger, 200-300g of protein per day intended

    I've been seriously strength training for about nine and a half months now. My intentions are to compete at the highest levels of powerlifting. I realize it is long road, but I plan to take things one step at a time.

    I never actually stalled out on my novice progression, but I've gotten to the point where I am no longer willing to gain weight and I actively want to lose quite a bit of it.

    I've significantly reduced the squatting frequency and volume compared to Starr's/Rip's usual programs because I feel that it has made deadlift progress impossible. I seem to do better on lower volume than others as I have added ~80lbs to my squat by reducing the volume from 3x5 to 1x5.

    If you hadn't noticed, my programming is very similar to 531. My plan is to eventually switch over to 531 for powerlifting. However, knowing that I still have linear gains left, I'm going to run the 531+ week over and over and over until I stall out. From there, I'll transition to 531 for powerlifting.

    For those who care, I am lifetime drug free. I intend to compete in the USAPL/IPF. Because of that, I plan to stay drug free.

    Overall, I greatly prefer this set up because I feel it will allow me to focus more on each of my main lifts. I believe that the programming I have followed to this point has emphasized the squat to the detriment of my other lifts. I'm looking forward to the programming freedom that a template like this affords me.

    I can't think of anything else right now. I think this has been pretty thorough. Feel free to call me out or ask any questions.
    Last edited by Tom Narvaez; 05-14-2012 at 03:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Good luck, stay focused.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington



    135x5, 185x5, 245x5, 295x6
    Yesterday, I went on a 6+ mile hike for Mother's Day. At 240lbs+, with nearly zero cardio under my belt in the last few months, I got my ass kicked a bit. I knew I wasn't good for anything near my best today. Next week, I'll go for 455x1. I'm going to take 10lbs jumps until I stall. From there, I'll rollback 5lbs. Once I stall on 5lbs jumps, I'll reset 10% and go back up by 5s. After I stall on that, I'll switch to 531 for powerlifting.

    Today, I worked mostly on hitting USAPL depth. At the higher level USAPL competitions, they pretty much make you bury everything. My squats are very borderline. I need to get them 1-2 inches deeper. My numbers may take a hit at first, but the numbers don't mean shit if they don't pass in a meet anyway.

    Single-Leg, Deep, Paused, Leg Press: 135x8x3
    I actually have no idea how much my sled weighs so I'll just count on 45 for convenience. This wasn't really that hard. I might try 185 next week. I plan to progress my assistance linearly. These felt really good for whatever that is worth.

    Full GHRs: BWx8x3 /w 2 orange bands as assistance
    I'm doing these with the back extension included as I feel it is safer for my hamstrings. This was actually pretty easy, but I don't like pushing this movement and probably won't ever push it very hard. I'll stay with stuff that I can do fast and with perfect form.

    Didn't do them today because I hiked yesterday. I deloaded and doing hard conditioning would defeat the purpose.

    I was in and out in about an hour. One thing I really want to work on is decreasing my rest periods. I don't think I'll ever be Tad_T like, but I want to get closer to that. I feel that if I can speed up my workouts it will reduce the lulls in focus that I sometimes have when I'm waiting 5-10 minutes between heavy sets.

    I think my brother Tony may be doing the meet with me. He has to ask for time off of work. I hope he gets it because he's got a real shot at some Teen State records which would be pretty cool for him. I find it hard to believe, but apparently there are no junior records at 220 in Washington State. Hopefully I'll make that weight class and set the bar a bit higher for other college-aged 220s.

    I really needed a change in my training and my approach to the sport in general. When I competed in MMA, I often worked on something performance related 40-60 hours a week. I feel that with this template I'll be able to take myself and my training more seriously. I've always wanted to be a good athlete and good athletes attack their sports from all angles. I just simply wasn't doing that with my novice progression. Now, I'm going to do just that. I'm feeling good and looking forward to the meet.
    Last edited by Tom Narvaez; 05-14-2012 at 03:30 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington


    Quote Originally Posted by hamburgerfan View Post
    Good luck, stay focused.
    Thanks, man. Will do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Narvaez View Post
    I'm feeling good and looking forward to the meet.
    When is this meet?

    In any case your plan looks solid. That said, with your intention of losing 75 lbs I probably would've started out with 5/3/1 straight up, to give yourself some time to adapt to the template and the added conditioning (although you are only running once per week?). If you shoot "too low", it doesn't matter too much, since you go for "max" reps anyway.

    Do you intend to start at your calculated max, or will you take 10% off, as Wendler recommends?

  6. #6
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    Seattle, Washington


    Quote Originally Posted by DV View Post
    When is this meet?
    June 23rd.

    In any case your plan looks solid. That said, with your intention of losing 75 lbs I probably would've started out with 5/3/1 straight up, to give yourself some time to adapt to the template and the added conditioning (although you are only running once per week?). If you shoot "too low", it doesn't matter too much, since you go for "max" reps anyway.
    I actually have no intention of doing the whole max reps thing. 531 for powerlifting includes back-off singles rather than going AMRAP for the work sets. I figure this fits my personality and goals much better. I like having a specific number to shoot for because, otherwise, I consistently over, or under, shoot. I very little experience working with 1s. I figure I can get a few lbs on my total just by doing singles more frequently.

    Do you intend to start at your calculated max, or will you take 10% off, as Wendler recommends?
    I'm going to start right around 90%, but mainly I'm trying to put more weight on the bar. I'm not a big fan of lowering intensity right at the beginning of a cut. I'd like to prolong progress as much as possible as well.

    My planned first single for each lift is:
    Squat: 455, 468 = 90%, last workout was 445x5
    Bench: 250, 252 = 90%, last workout was 232.5x5x3
    Deadlift: ???, 405= 90%, last workout was 325x5 (lol), recently did 455x1
    Press: 170, 173 = 90%, last workout was 160x5x3

    Right now, I'm not doing the backoff singles, I'm just going for a top set single. For example, my next squat workout calculates out to:

    The week after that, I'll just add 10lbs to everything.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Copenhagen, Denmark


    Right, I am not familiar with the PL version, but that makes sense. Your plan seems reasonable. Will be interesting to see how long you can add 10lbs/week for.

    EDIT: and why all the way down to 165? I would think 181 working up towards 198 would be a better bet for your height? I take it you are not planning on weighing in at 165 on 23 June, in either case.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by DV View Post
    EDIT: and why all the way down to 165? I would think 181 working up towards 198 would be a better bet for your height? I take it you are not planning on weighing in at 165 on 23 June, in either case.
    I'd be inclined to agree with this, but Tom is a man of extremes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    West Bend, WI


    Quote Originally Posted by hamburgerfan View Post
    I'd be inclined to agree with this, but Tom is a man of extremes.
    I was thinking the same thing. It might require the gypsy "thinner" curse to pull that off! :-)

    On a serious note, Tom I hope your new training plan works well as your train for your contest!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Seattle, Washington


    starting strength coach development program
    No, I'm trying to get to 220 for the meet. I just think that 165 is about where I'll be at 15%. I'm not particularly aiming for that weight class. I just don't think I have enough LBM to be anything but an extremely light 181.

    If I don't lose strength, I'm pretty confident I can get to 485x1. Wendler's formula puts a 445x5 effort at 520. 445 wasn't a 5RM, but it was pretty close. Ideally, I'd actually get stronger in the 2+ months it would take to get around 520 and I'd be able to get at least 525.

    5/21: 455
    5/28: 465
    6/04: 475
    6/11: 485
    6/18: Deload, Meet Week (~405/~455/~495)
    6/25: Deload
    7/02: 495,500,505 (depending on the meet)


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