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Thread: Deadlift form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Deadlift form check

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    38 years old, 250 lbs, on SS for about 3 months. 325 lbs DL.

    So I'm after a second opinion here, after getting a form check elsewhere. I'm told my back is too rounded and I'm going to snap my spine.

    I know I could be tighter, and I'm working on it. I also see that I'm getting lazy and rounding more in the later reps. I'll work on keeping my discipline even when tired.

    But, I also think some of the rounded back advice I'm getting is just due to my fat. I've got a spare tire, and I'm working on it, but no amount of flexing in the world is going to flatten out my my fat. I'm a formerly 275lbs fat guy who dropped down to 225 through diet and lifestyle changes, then decided I wanted to get stronger, so did various strength programs for around 5 months. Been on SS for about 2-3 months now, and up to 250lbs.

    Anyway, here's my video

    Deadlifts - YouTube

    I also broke it down into picture format to illustrate what I mean:

    Deadlift - Album on Imgur

    Picture 1 is me rounded as hell, getting into position.
    Picture 2 is me trying to get right, red line showing my lower back going into flexion, at least a little.
    Picture 3 is me on the pull. My lower back is more or less flat. A bit rounded maybe? But the blue part is definitely rounded, and that's fat, and I'm going to have to fix that through diet, and no flexing.

    Or am I just way off base, and I'm going to snap my spine?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    You're rounding your back, you're not going to die or snap your spine. You need to learn how to properly squeeze the bar off the floor, which you have neglected to do. Learn the proper set-up procedure (you're dropping your hips when you squeeze up), and quit making excuses and watch Niki's video and teach yourself how to squeeze the bar off the floor. You may have to back off on weight in order to do this properly, since you've neglected to do it right in the first place. BTW, in pic 2 your back in not in flexion - it's in EXTENSION. Learn the terminology - Rip wrote a whole book with descriptions and pictures just for you. Your back is flat in pic 2 - in pic 3, it's in flexion (IOW, rounded).

    Squeezing the Bar Off the Floor | Niki Sims
    Last edited by Steve Hill; 02-26-2017 at 08:40 PM.

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