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I argued a bit when you had nick on the podcast about your over emphasis on strength with little regard for endurance, or so it appeared to me at least. At the time I was deadlifting 495 and did a tournament, where I was blow away how much stronger I was than everyone else, but my cardio was shit so I was a little uncomfortable. Either way, it was a veryyyy easy tournament and I dominated every match.
I stopped lifting a little after that time because my buddy I lifted with went to the police academy and I decided to train bjj seven days a week instead vs three. Seven months later I did another tournament and got my fucking ass kicked. I felt so weak in the clinch and in any wrestling position, specifically coming up for a single from bottom half. Both were at blue belt, both were similar talent, I just felt so damn weak and funny enough I gassed harder even though my cardio was through the roof because I was so much weaker than my opponents. My coaches suggested I drop two weight classes because I was grappling at 199 and weighed 192 in a hoodie, flip flops, wallet and phone in my pocket. I was 195 for the earlier tournament.
Long story short, strength makes competitions so much easier. Technique is the top dog but holy fuck does being stronger than your opponents really help. You win this one rip and nick.