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Thread: Risk Assessment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Risk Assessment

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    by John F. Musser

    "A weak fat person whose goal is to be strong and lean has to make the right decision countless times a day to avoid the habits that got them fat and kept them weak. A strong person has to make the right choices to stay strong. Understanding the factors involved in calculating risk and the process of choosing and implementing appropriate counter-measures may be useful..."

    Read article

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    Hi John,

    Great Article! A deep read when I apply it personally. I think many of us can make personal application to at least some of the scenarios listed in our own fashion, I know I can. If anything this article demonstrates the type of focused mindset we need to really be successful. The more I strength train the more I realize how easy the work under the bar itself is compared to nutrition, rest and the general focused mindset. It shows strength is more than just muscle.

    Occasionally I hear friends and family say "Mark is different now." I would like to think that I am not arrogant just excited about the positive changes and I want to keep it going. Maybe I have my defenses up too much but I have gotten to the point lately where the heck with it, if I don't take care of me then who will. This articles timing is perfect as it connects nicely to the recently posted "More Fully Alive" videos with Leah.

    Nice work!


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