What have you heard that makes you think they're dangerous?
This is Michael from the MD seminar. I've been working on fixing my habit of lumbar over extension. My squat and deadlift look better. I plan on posting a press video in the future, as I continue to work on actively staying tighter.
I will be implementing sit ups as you recommended. What do I need to know about performing sit ups safely? I've heard some guys speak negatively about them.
What have you heard that makes you think they're dangerous?
I think he may be referring to how they cause back pain in some people...honestly the only direct ab work I ever felt worked was an ab wheel, tried roman chairs but they make me like I'm having my facet joints smashed together, so do decline sit ups, leg raises are okay but I feel like mu hip flexors go before abs
of course nothing is quite like the press or frontsquats for ab work
That the spinal flexion involved in the movement sometimes causes sore low backs.
Dr. McGill says they're bad and done enough will lead to herniation. Almost no benefit in putting the spine in a state of flexion repeatedly. Virtually no carryover to athletic performance. Plenty of other "core" exercises you can do that keeps the spine a neutral and more stable position.