Blueliner's Log
I Thought today was a good day to start a log which I will do my best to keep up.
Current stats 50 year old, 5'10" 188 lbs. Reasonably active; weights, running and other cardio, ice hockey,
I do not come from a background of natural athletic abilities, there are no jocks in my maternal or paternal line. I have always struggled with athleticism and "energy" when I do play sports. In recent years I began to work on my Cardio which I think is above average now for your average 50 year old joe. I also have very very poor upper body strength. I think all of the right parts are there they just don't fire in an athletic way when I need them to. My moment of truth came a few years ago when I entered into a Spartan Sprint Race with some friends and got totally beat up on anything that used my upper body, needless to say I did a lot of burpees. So I set out to make improvements and joined a cross-fit box nearby which overall was a good experience but again it very quickly exposed all of my weaknesses...most notably upper body strength. After 8 months of this I realized my strength numbers were no longer going up, I had stalled...and I lost interest about this time and found starting strength. This is my second go at it, and after a break to do some oly lifting earlier in the year I began an the current series of sessions several weeks ago. At this time I still struggle a bit to make gains, I cant seem to eat the volume necessary, and sleep is a episodic problem and is an issue right now. So my incremental steps are 2.5 lbs as a common denominator. Lifting 2-3 times per week, I am running a lot less now, averaging 1x per week with the odd hill sprint. It would nice to get to about 200lbs of lean muscle, with a squat for reps of about 315 some day.
Today was session 16 all numbers are lbs unless indicated
High Bar squats, 3x5 of 167.5 (relatively easy, a little tired with low motivation) (My old 1 rep max from April is 103kg )
YWTLs with a yellow rubber exercise band 3 sets of 3, kind of an easy warm up and conditioning for my shoulders
Bench Press 3x5 of 105 (easy) My best 3x5 is 115
Power Clean 3x5 of 75, there are no technique plates so my set up is a little wonky. I am going to make or buy a set. (oly is not easy...again the athleticism) (FYI My clean is way better than my power clean)
A few sets of chins, again all I can manage are sets of 1 or 2 reps.
next session will likely be monday 530am
Good morning to any interested observers
Session 17 Today, 530 am.
HB-Squat 45x5, 45x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x4, 165x3, 170x5, 170x5, 170x5 (moderately easy, lifted my heel on one or two reps…balance?)
YWTL 3 sets of 3, 1 set between OHP warm ups, part of the warmup for shoulders
Strict-OHP 45x5, 65x5, 77.5x5, 77.5x5, 77.5x5 (3rd work set last couple of reps were a little slow, no punch or snap to the lock out, need to get my head through with more authority)
DL 95x5, 165x5, 185x5, 215x5 (moderately easy, will have to do a form check soon)
Experiencing a little right side hip joint stiffness, mild soreness which is new, at the start and after, once I got moving I did not feel it. Also same for left knee at start, though once it was warm ok no soreness afterwards.
Next session will be Thursday evening with the OLY guys at another gym. I go by the coaches pre-planned lifts for me, I do not make it up or do SS.
Good morning
Could not make this entry last nite, so I will do it today
My oly lifting was cancelled last nite, it is tonight instead, so I decided to take it easy, just not couch easy. Have to do a little cardio. Since the area above and below my knees is a little sore I decided to avoid running or jump rope for a week or two. I'll row instead.
On the C-2 rower 5 500m intervals, 1 minute rest between, the split is around 2:03 (my crossfit son is around 1:35!),
Some YWTL stretches with the red band, which is way harder than the yellow. There is a big variability between examples of the same red band.
Overhead squats-snatch grip (which the OLY coach wants me to try) 0x5, 0x5, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5 mainly just a mobility stretch....this is hard stuff.
OLY tonight. Its also Pizza day at home for supper..good combo.
Late night last night watching the blue jays demolish the yankees...after my OLY session, just getting to this now.
I did not take my log book with me cause the coach makes your sheet up for you. He kept it so I have to go by memory. This class is for us beginner older (masters) guys so its a lot of 3-5 rep sets with small jumps, sharing the platform with 3 other lifters. I need to have these sessions outside of starting strength because this is the best way for me to learn the CnJ and the snatch, and to network with others.
First up was strict presses, the first rep power cleaned from the floor, starting with 20Kg finishing at 45kg
Second was Clean Shrugs again starting with 20kg moving up in small increments to 56kg (could not get this right, to me it was similar to a clean pull, coaches attention was elsewhere so there was no oversight....can you bend the arms?)
Third was high bar back squats starting with 20Kg ending in my case at 85kg. The lower sets were 7s, the last couple of sets were 2s. One of the other guys was trash talking me saying I cut the last rep off short (just below parallel) and did not go ATG. Its all in good fun
Final thing was power clean and jerk from the blocks. So the bar started at just above my knees. I had never done these before. It was low reps ending in my case with 56kg. My final stand up phase before finishing is a little wobbly when I bring my forward foot back first.
Session 18 this morning
HB-B squaT 172.5lbs, 3 sets of 5, Made a video for form check which I will try to post this week. Cant make videos anymore, at this place I was warned
BP 110lbs, 3 sets of 5
PC 65 lbs 3 sets of 5, decided to drop down in weight to concentrate on form.
Oly lifting tomorrow night, first hockey game tuesday evening, then a break is in order till friday I think.
Welcome. I'll keep watching. Consistency will make this enjoyable.
Thanks Carson
Oly lifting last nite. Fun bunch of Masters lifters. Coach reminds me of Mick from Rocky, we speak kg there
strict press, 0x5, 0x5, 20x5, 30x3, 34x2, 36x2
Power snatch 0x5, 0x5, 15x5, 15x5, 20x5, 25x3, 30x3, 34x3, 34x2, 34x2
Clean pull, 30x3, 40x3, 45x3, 50x3, 55x3, 60x3, 60x3 (form broke here....badly...go figure)
Front Squat-split jerk 32x3, 36x3, 40x3, 42x3, 42x3 (my timing is way off, I begin to release the weight and drive up, even before I fully extend to the top...?)
I have been having some knee soreness, at the knee cap, and some mild soreness above and below the knee, kind of on my calves. Its been better the last week since I cut out running and multiple sets of warm up jump ropes. I went to physio, according to them just need a bit of massage, ultra sound, and some needling...maintenance. They also said to not squat for a week, since I need a 0 week Ill do what they said. However I am hitting the ice in an hour, and then a beer or two afterwards, nothing else till next week...,wednesday maybe.
Why aren't you following linear progression? It is most useful and produces consistent results. It's hard to comment on your log when you aren't following a program with which we are familiar.
Hi carson
I am completing my Olympic club commitment next week or so (dues are used up), I started that before the current LP. Then its pure 100% RX'd SS till the spring. Since I play hockey through the winter months once a week possibly twice I will be doing SS 2x per week (one of the SS coaches I had an off forum correspondence with suggested that) depending on how I feel if motivated I might squeeze in a third session. Please keep in mind that I am not expecting the same results which might result as RX'd by the book; My goal is to keep ticking along and get gradually stronger. I also have developed a budding interest in Oly lifting and as a result I would like to compete in an amateur meet next fall, I can put off that specific training till next spring or later. For now I am open to suggestions.
I see. Best wishes to you. I tried Oly lifting. I guess I'm past my prime though I don't feel like it. You seem to have an interesting life. Gordie Howe used to play hockey into his 50s.
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