I strongly encourage you to spend your first few years in training for that sport without using a belt. It is crucial during these early years to hone in on developing proper technique. Take this time to cultivate your “natural weightlifting belt.” Doing so will help you build a solid foundation of stability so that if you decide to use a belt when reaching for heavier weights one day, you can do so with better technique.
There is nothing wrong with the desire to lift heavy, but it should not ever come at the expense of technique. While wearing a belt can be very helpful on heavy lifts, the long-term use of a belt on ALL lifts can have some harmful effects. By using a belt ALL the time, the body naturally starts to rely on the passive support the belt supplies. You can potentially weaken your core by relying on the belt as a crutch. Therefore, learning how to brace and create stability on your own with lighter weight should be the first priority of all lifters. For serious lifters, I recommend programming days of training with and without the belt so that you so you continue to build the capacity for maintaining stability with heavy lifting.