Session 26
Weekly weigh-in: 183# (3# gain this week)
Squat: m-effing suckfest! - 250# x 2, 250 x 2, 245 x 3
Press: 107.5# x 5 x 3
Dead: 215# x 5
Squats. They've really been nailing me lately and I'm really wanting to get past 250#. Though today was very unexpected after doing 250 for all but the very last rep on Wednesday. I figured a repeat today would be complete. I don't think I was overconfident about it. All I can come up with is little to no recovery this week. I mean there was no push in the legs AT ALL today. Dropping to 245 was probably a joke as a 2% drop when you're checking to see if there's any gas in the tank is meaningless, in hindsight of course. I think I would have needed to go down to around 225 or so to get a good set of five, so I decided to take the warm-up (which went fine BTW) and what few reps I did and move on.
Press went well after trying to refocus from the disappointing squat session. I got my washers on Tuesday and am now able to microload in 1.25# increments. Focus was on elbows forward and the weight went up pretty well. A couple of reps where the bar got a bit too forward but otherwise, on to 110!
Deadlift had been going well enough that I went back to 10# progressions. Today still pulled really well and I don't anticipate much issue with 225 next week.
Rest and recover this weekend and be ready to attack the 250 squat on Monday. 300# seems very far away right now.