Sunday, November 20, 2011
Bench Press
- 45 x 5
- 100 x 5
- 125 x 5
- 150 x 5
Floor Press
- 135 x 6 (orange bands)
- 135 x 6 (orange bands)
- 135 x 8 (orange bands)
DB Skull Crushers
- 40 x 6 (L+R)
- 40 x 6 (L+R)
- 40 x 6 (L+R)
- 40 x 5 (L+R)
- 40 x 3 (L+R)
- 40 x 5 (L+R)
DB Lying Triceps Extension (think normal Skull Crushers except you're on the floor, not a bench, and without the full ROM)
- 35 x 6 (L+R)
- 35 x 6 (L+R)
- 35 x 6 (L+R)
- 35 x 6 (L+R)
- 35 x 4 (L+R)
- 35 x 3 (L+R)
Barbell Rows
- 165 x 10
- 165 x 10
- 165 x 8
- 165 x 9
T-Bar Rows
- 135 x 10
- 160 x 10
- 180 x 10
- 205 x 8
- 230 x 5
Conditioning Complex
- 32 kg. KB Swing x 20, rest :30, repeat
Rounds: 15
Reverse Hypers
- 20 x 12
- 20 x 12
- 20 x 12
- 20 x 12
- 20 x 12
Playlist CLUTCH/Fu Manchu/Queens of the Stone Age playlists on Pandora
Several weeks ago, the afternoon of the October APA Meet Debacle, Ryan C pulled me aside and spoke to me about the idea of me opening-up the gym on Sunday afternoons and keeping watch over the place, helping out, and generally working in a janitorial capacity. Reason is, Big John C. is currently in school and he needs his Sunday afternoons to study for his classes. Previous to this Big John was manning the gym on Sundays, to help Ryan out (dude's already there 12 to 14 hours a day, 6 days a week). Ryan spoke to me and asked me, since I'm always there on Sundays anyway, if I could fill-in for John.
I told him "Yeah. No problem."
So I open-up the gym on Sunday early. Fill-up the cooler, count-in the drawer, and tidy up the place before Jared, Brad and the rest of the Sunday Morning Crew arrive. Was working on mobbing when Brad and Jared got there, they mobbed, and we got started. De-Loaded Bench felt great especially after the grip work and bending I'd done on Saturday. I didn't intend to do the Floor Presses, but they were and I succombed to the peer-pressure and maddening desire to have even stronger triceps. It was fun. I will do those again.
Brad and I broke away for rows, and Jared joined us for KB work. That was a lot of fun...
When my session was over I went about my business, running the sweeper, cleaning the bathrooms up and whatnot, and making the front desk uncluttered and organized for Ryan. Not too many other folks came in and that was okay (Sunday afternoons are usually on the slow side), it gave me time to vacuum up all the chalk dust that the Dust Bunnies left on the floor Friday/Saturday evening.
Massage Cougar, a gal I've become good friends with, came in as she was seeing a client at 1. We chatted about powerlifting, Buddhism, and the work I'm doing for her website. She also gave me an update about signing me, her and our friend Mary Ann up to be Zombies in the Pittsburgh Zombie Run, coming up in Sept. 2012.
I finished cleaning up, and at around 1:30, half-hour before close or so, I hit the Reverse Hypers for the first time. Those are hard even with small weight and my hammies are killing me today. I will do 40 x 4 x 12 next Sunday and work my way up from there.
Good training this weekend.
Tuesday, Noveber 22, 2011
1. Morning walk with dog
2. 25 lb. 1-Hand KB Snatch L + R x 15 x 5
1. 150 x 5
2. 190 x 5
3. 225 x 5
Rack Pulls
1. 315 x 5
2. 405 x 3
3. 405 x 4
1. 225 x 12
2. 315 x 8
Reverse Hypers
1. 10 x 12
2. 10 x 12
3. 10 x 12
4. 10 x 12
Ancillary Back Exercises To Be Super-Setted With The Above:
Bar Chins (dead hang, no fucking kipping)
1. BW x 12
2. BW x 12
3. BW x 8
4. BW x 9
V-Handle Lat Pull-Down
1. 130 x 8
2. 130 x 8
3. 130 x 8
4. 130 x 8
Face Pulls
1. 55 x 8
2. 55 x 8
3. 55 x 8
4. 55 x 8
Conditioning Fun!
1. 32 kg. KB swing x 20, no rest
2. 32 kg. KB Snatch x 5, rest :30, repeat
Rounds: 13
Seated Hammer Curls + Overhead Triceps Extensions
1. 45 x 6, 45 x 6 (L+R)
2. 45 x 6, 45 x 6 (L+R)
3. 45 x 5, 45 x 6 (L+R)
4. 45 x 4, 45 x 6 (L+R)
5. 45 x 5, 45 x 6 (L+R)
6. 45 x 5
Didn't have my Blackberry with me today to make a video of my deadlifting. I did have Andy and Ryan watching me, and coaching me a little bit. Made sure to set-up with my shoulders a bit forward of the bars, and also made sure to keep my back in the proper posture and my ass at the right height as well. On each pull I just tried to do it as explosively as possible, and they felt good. We'll see how this-coming week'd 3's + Singles Week goes.
Rack Pulls are always fun. Left a little off at the top because this is a Deload Week...
Getting the hang of doing Reverse Hypers properly. I figured it'd be better in the first week or to to go ridiculously light with it and work up from there. Ridiculously light Reverse Hypers feel WONDERFUL after Deadlifts and Rack Pulls. These are a keeper for Deadlift Day, for sure.
I didn't feel like doing my usual BB & KB circuit, so I opted to just sprint with basic KB movements thinking it'd be easier. That was silly. Every single set of these gassed me. I would up working harder than I would have had I just done some Power Cleans and Man Makers- I was concentrating on exploding, with each rep, on the Swings the kettlebell would go up to just-over my eye-line, and on the Snatches I'd go all the way down to the floor, and explode up as hard as I could on the extension/pull. Just really tried to blast-off with them. Felt good when I was done.
I won't be lifting again till Sunday because I'll be out of town, but mom promises me that there's plenty of work I can do on the farm with her to stay in the groove. Looking forward to turkey and pie.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving man! And have some deserved quality time with your family.
THANKS Leo! I've been looking forward to this trip for months LOL it's been almost a year since I last saw my sister, she's engaged now and I'm excited about that, and of course I miss my parents, too! It'll be good to spend time with them :-)
You have yourself a pleasant weekend out there too, chief! :-D
I started blogging again ... for different reasons this time LMAO