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Since you have asked for feedback on nutrition I thought I would show you what I have done so far to give you something to measure against. I am not looking for any massive weight gain either. I am just looking to maintain body weight and change body composition as my strength increases (runner turned strength training). I run paleoish in terms of my diet and a solid resources is Whole 30 if you trend towards that style of eating. I am losing the waistline, still maintaining performance, and not crash and burn from lack of intake.
Age: 37
Weight: 175
Height: 5'10"
BF: ~18-20%
3 meals a day 4-5 hours apart with each meal consisting of
8oz lean meat (chicken,pork, 93% ground beef)
2-3 cups veggies (non bean)
1 tbs olive oil
1 fish oil tablet
1 pwo meal (protein/carb heavy, little to no fat. An example would be 1 4-6oz chicken breast, 1 small yam) Do not use this to sub out a regular meal.
If your current nutrition plan works for you then keep at it because each individual's mileage varies when it comes to food. I have no idea whether what I posted is ideal for you. Just thought I would share. Jordan over in the nutrition forum has some good insight if you are looking for a better feel if you get in a bind over nutrition.