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Thread: Just came here to brag

  1. #311
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Gatineau, QC


    • starting strength seminar jume 2024
    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    Late entry about yesterday’s light training session.

    There is still something going on with my hip, so I was a bit concerned with those front squats. Discomfort was present but tolerable. Hopefully this issue will resolve itself on its own. In case it doesn’t, I have made an appointment with a PT in two weeks.

    Front squat
    132.5 X 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

    Looking forward to loading the big wheels next time!

    Volume bench
    125 X 5, 5, 5

    Here it is, me benching my BW for sets of 5 across.
    125 X 5 - YouTube

    55 X 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

    I got a bit greedy here and added 10lbs so the bar could finally sit on the floor. Wise decision! I think my power snatch is starting to look like one. The cue I used to improve my power clean (tight triceps) seems to help with the snatch as well. My catch was a lot better than it’s ever been so far. But now that the bar is comfortably sitting on the floor, I stick with adding 2.5lbs per session. I’ve seen so many horrifying snatch fails that I’d rather be cautious with this lift.
    55 X 3 - YouTube

  2. #312
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    Wow, that power snatch looks pretty impressive to me!

  3. #313
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Gatineau, QC


    Quote Originally Posted by William MG View Post
    Wow, that power snatch looks pretty impressive to me!
    Thanks! Those were definitely my best so far.

    I think I'll have to record the next ones from the side because I cannot tell what the bar path is doing with the front view.

  4. #314
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    Look at you, putting up big pr numbers on the squat and doing heavy deads the same day, and then powering explosive moves the next! nice job!

  5. #315
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Gatineau, QC


    Thank you, Mr. Bingley! It's nice to have you back in our cool kids club!

    Though today was my medium day, it didn't feel quite like a medium day. I might have to shuffle a few things around in my new program. As much as I like it so far (especially the complete lack of lower-back fatigue), my heavy and medium days are taking more time than I would like, which means the deadlift always comes late into the workout, with less than optimal focus.

    I'll have a few days to think about this, since I'll be out of town for 3 days to attend a funeral. Given the extended rest from training I am getting out of this trip, I made sure to push hard during today's session.

    Intensity press
    93 X 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2

    Getting 5 triples would have been nice, but I had to activate CONPLAN 15 REPS halfway through. I could tell during the very first set that this was not going to be one of my most glorious pressing days.

    The cat's interventions (like this one during the 6th set) didn't help either. When we where living in Borden he would always come pester me during my training, but since moving here, he had no been doing it until last week. This is likely to become a trend, so I might need to invest in some sort of clever obstacle to keep him away. I love my cat but he's the most persistent creature I've ever met.

    Besides that, my groove was just not there today. And I don't think it's a good idea to start with the press. As much as the volume squats are draining, my guess is that I would still be able to press after squatting, as I do on my heavy day. It would also make my workout a bit shorter by reducing the warm up required for the press.

    I am only 2lbs away from getting back to where I was before the coaching experiment. I am really looking forward to step back into PR territory this month.

    Volume squat
    200 X 5, 5, 5, 5

    After squatting 4000lbs today, I googled my car to find out how heavy it is, so as to get a clearer picture of how much weight 4000lbs represents. FYI, it's the equivalent of 1.6 Honda Fit.

    Getting all those sets in was pretty hard, and I feel quite drained. Knees are a bit tender too, but the hip didn't seem to mind, which is very reassuring. That said, I suspect that I have reached the point where squats will always bother something.

    The cat intervened again during set 2. I will also confess that there was a shallow rep or two during this session. Also, I didn't rest enough between sets, keeping it to 5 minutes so as to prevent my workout from getting way too long. 7 minutes would have worked better, especially prior to sets 3 and 4.

    During my post-workout bath, I listened to a video that Alexander Bromley posted today. I think his "double progression" might be an option as a way forward for my squat programming.

    It meets two of my favorite criteria: simple and heavy. It also seems quite consistent with PPST3 and BBRx, and with my programming since December. I've been manipulating 3 variables (load, sets, and reps), while Bromley's "double progression" consists in manipulating only load and reps by using ranges.

    This is pretty damn attractive. Maybe I could ditch those dreadful 3-5 X 5 volume squat sessions and basically put my squat on a "double progression" LP using my current training cycle. Just a thought for now, but I am very tempted.

    Snatch-grip deadlift
    167.5 X 5, 5, 5

    This one is still progressing well towards achieving 80% of my conventional deadlift. But I got to this lift very late into my workout, and what ends up happening is that my form gets sloppy because of my lack of focus rather than due to my lack of strength. I would like to be fresher for those and for my regular deadlift, especially now that I am doing 3 doubles instead of 2 triples, which takes more time.

  6. #316
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    I hear ya on doing presses first, tiny. Even if I do extra empty bar warmups, the work sets never feel quite right. At least nothing like they do after I've done my squats. But great job on implementing the CONPLAN, getting it done, and approaching those PRs.

    That Bromley video was interesting and got me to thinking about options in BBRx. Have you considered the Cycling Rep Progression in Example 24-18 (pg 263)? It keeps the sets to 3, but cycles up the reps on a bi-weekly basis, then adds weight. That seems easier to keep track of and know what is required of you when you walk in the door. Regardless, that's some work to squat 1.6 of your car!

    Although it is a funeral, enjoy your break, from which you'll come back stronger, no doubt.

  7. #317
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Gatineau, QC


    Thank you, American Bill!

    You remind me of the wise owl that was sitting on the top corner of each page in my elementary school textbooks, providing valuable insight into each topic.

    The funeral is 600 km away, so we have planned a stop in Quebec City on the way there. A fancy dinner will be had tonight!

  8. #318
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Haha! I have you fooled.

    I see your comment, watch the video, feel a little tickle in the back of the brain that reminds me of something that I may, or may not have run across, then spend a lot of time digging for it. Then I comment.

    It's quite helpful for me, too. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to resume actual training (not maintenance), but I also don't want to return to 2-3 hour slogfests. So I had interest in Bromley's concept, but that still seemed too complicated to me, having to keep track during the workout. Then I "refound" the example in BBRx and the x3's really appeal to me, as I've found the extra volume provided by the x4's and x5's to really beat my back up.

    Enjoy that fancy dinner with Mr B!

  9. #319
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Gatineau, QC


    Back to training after 3 days off. Today's was one of my light days but I added a round of front squats to scratch that itch.

    Front squats
    135 X 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (PR)

    The love-hate relationship continues. I hate how front squats feel, but love how easily I recover from them. NLP-ing a new lift is fun too! My goal on this one is to reach 80% for my regular squat.

    I got to put on my first (and most likely last!) big wheels today. It felt pretty good besides the fact that I had to adjust my safeties halfway through.

    Intensity bench
    138 X 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (PR)

    3 X 3 was the plan, but that obviously didn't happen, so I activated CONPLAN 10 REPS and got them in 5 doubles, which is still a PR.

    It is too early to tell whether this is an indication what my bench progression is approaching a plateau, so I'll just add another lb next week and see how that goes. Maybe it was just a bad bench day (that's how it felt). It could also be the effect of cutting my volume on this lift. Either way, the press remains higher priority, so I'll willing to take some risks with the bench.

    Press singles
    98 X 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 (PR)

    Got my 5 singles there, though it took 6 attempts due to a misgroove during set 5.

    Power clean
    85 X 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (PR)

    I had to dig pretty deep to find out what my previous PR was (80lbs)! Anyhow, this is still going well, with much improved form, and it looks like I can stick with a 5lb jump for at least another week. Goal is to reach 50-60% of my deadlift.

  10. #320
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Gatineau, QC


    starting strength coach development program
    Brace yourself, because you are about to see something that you haven't seen in a very long time.

    220 X 3, 3 (PR)

    My depth has seen much better days, but I suspect I'm getting inaccurate feedback for the discomfort I have been experiencing in my hip. Not sure whether I should repeat this session next week or just add another 2.5lbs. Feel free to weigh in!

    Volume press
    84 X 5 X 5

    My groove and bar speed were wicked today. I'm never starting a workout with the press ever again. It really responds well to being my second lift.

    240 X 2, 2, 2 (PR)

    As I have mentioned, an aspiring SSC has advised me to deadlift for 3 doubles until this stops working. Thanks to him, this is my first deadlift PR since January. I am beyond grateful, and pretty excited to see how far this takes me. I don't expect that will be very far, but that 2 X BW deadlift just got 5 lbs closer, and there is a possibility that it could happen this month.

    Another encouraging thing is that my back held fairly well today, with the exception of that very last rep. That said, this rep occurred 95 minutes into my training session, and I tend to lose focus at that point. I will review my program to see how I can make this session shorter. I also need to keep working on my neck position.

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