These don't look bad at all. Maybe even a little too deep. Why no belt?
Attempted some reps at much lower weight (185lbs). What am I doing wrong? I try to focus on "shoving my butt up" to get the hip drive Rip talks about, but I don't really notice any difference.
Hayden, I'd love to work with a Starting Strength Coach, but there appear to be none where I live. I've heard that Arlington VA is one of the biggest gym/fitness markets in the country, and so the lack of Starting Strength presence here is counterintuitive. I tried reaching out to the only SSC listed on the website, but I think he might've moved or is hard to get in touch with.
These don't look bad at all. Maybe even a little too deep. Why no belt?
Glad to hear there's some sort of progress. What cues do you look for to identify proper hip drive? The main difference I see between this set and the set I posted last week is the speed at which I come up out of the hole. Is that speed what you mean by hip drive?
Here's the link again to last weeks sets:
2024 NOV 26
I usually don't wear a belt unless my working sets will be over 225lbs. I have been operating on the assumption that I don't need the additional cue to keep my abs tight at lower weights. Now that I'm having to write this out, I realize it's a totally unexamined idea, and I should probably read up more about belts.
Hip drive is identified by the sacrum moving up and the knees moving back a little as the hips lift. And there will be a subtle change in back angle toward the horizontal as this happens.
Good call - start here: The Belt and the Deadlift | Mark Rippetoe
then proceed to here: The Belt and Your Training | Mark Rippetoe .
I tried working on the bar position on this set. It feels much lower. Seems like it might be difficult to support when the weight goes back up.
Your grip is a little loose here again, which is why it might feel insecure. The proper squat grip doesn't support the bar with any actual muscular force, so weight on the bar should be immaterial to keeping it secure. Get REAL tight under the bar. Tighter than you want to. All that aside, these look okay. Get a belt.