An empty bar does not consitute "practice" for squatting heavy weights. Post the 205x5 video.
Greetings, I “know” what I’m supposed to do, but even when I record rep after rep with just the bar I can’t clear this issue. I can post a video of my form, but think it might be best to start with a verbal description.
No matter how much I try to brace, shove knees out and butt/hips back, keep everything tight, with appropriate-ish back angle, looking at correct spot, chest down, shoulders retracted, etc. once I get to the “inflection” point where my knees (should) stop going forward the rest of the way down is really tough; feels like I have to push through something and if I’m not careful I get depth by going into flexion and sacrificing back angle (towards upright).
Sometimes I’ll practice over and over with just the bar and when I hit that spot I’ll just hang out and try different things (really focus on shoving knees out, concentrate on where wait is distributed to feet, etc.), but nothing gets me to where the squat is as it should be; especially not as one fluid motion.
If I had to guess, my anatomy sucks - maybe hip impingement? I’m very inflexible, even when I’ve tried in the past to improve (BJJ, basic “movement” stuff, running). I don’t think I could go into over-extension if you offered me a million bucks.
Again, I could post some videos if that helps, but that will only show that I’m not shoving my knees out or that my arch “caves,” and not necessarily what I’m feeling that’s impeding me from fixing what the visual side shows.
Background: Started less than 2 months ago. I’m 42yo, 5’8”, 175 lbs. (started at 159). For 5x3, squatting 205, benching 205, pressing 125, pulling 265. Other lifts feel heavy, while squat doesn’t - just difficult.
Anyway, thank you in advance.
An empty bar does not consitute "practice" for squatting heavy weights. Post the 205x5 video.
By “practice” I mean similar to what you have people do when they body weight squat to learn to get depth, shove knees out, get back angle correct. My back has been sore in flexion (putting on socks, etc.) so trying to figure out the movement with low weight before continuing to load.
Here is the video: 205x5 - YouTube
It’s a YouTube short and not shot according to forum guidelines since I took it before having the intention of posting. I won’t be lifting until Monday, but can do a better one then if that’s needed. Thanks, Mark.
This squat is not 2 inches above parallel. Where did you get that idea?
The squat from the video is good in terms of depth (although I’m guessing I’m a bit too uptight with back angle?), but I’m pushing through the aforementioned “block” to get there, and feel like I’m sacrificing form to do so. I can’t smoothly hit depth. Instead, I start down, and then at the point when I transition (knees not going forward and butt needs to go back, with knees shoved out) I feel a substantial hindrance, like something is blocking me from going the rest of the way. So, it’s like my squat has two parts to it.
While working through this, I focus on knees out and correct gaze, I am bracing, and even lifting my toes as described in the book. Feels like knees won’t stay out, or if they do, then my feet lift/get light at the heels and trend inwards (like over pronation).
But do you see all these errors when you watch the video?
Aside from the fact that I’m learning something about how to film (and look at/diagnose issues on) a lift, no, I don’t see the errors (at least not in a glaringly obvious way and not relative to what I’d expect at my experience level). Do you?
Can I make a humble request that OP film a video following the guidelines?
I can see the knees cave but am unsure as to whether his stance is too wide or his toe angle is too great.
Sorry, Martin, I’ve been a bit busy. Here is me doing 205x5 and with squat shoes (definitely noticing the difference):