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Thread: Last of 2010's Seminars Recap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Last of 2010's Seminars Recap

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    At some point during the weekend, I realized this would be the last Recap of 2010. It’s fitting that we end the year at WFAC andI know I’m repetitive in saying that each seminar’s group was great; however; this time I actually mean it. (I know I’ve said THAT before too but this time it’s actually true.) It somehow worked out that the entire group consisted of Steve’s; Kevin’s; Zach’s and Courtney’s. It was really quite bizarre. We had to start using middle names just to avoid the massive confusion that ensued.

    Ya’ll know I have a soft spot for Canadians (being one and all) so having Jon and Kevin make it through customs to come down was a special treat. Hanging with people who understand the joys of the snow; the cold; AND hockey is a special treat because these Texans don’t know anything aboot any of the three. The Canucks did a great job and were two of the most outgoing Canadians we’ve come across. We hope to see them again next year when we venture back to Canadiana (Toronto to be exact) in the late summer.

    We had a few pairs here this weekend which at times can present some challenges when a husband/wife or trainer/trainee needs to take direction from each other but everyone did a great job. Kevin and Heidi do an awesome job of learning from and teaching each other and even though they weren’t on the same platform, I overheard them giving feedback to each other while watching other people’s lifts. It was pretty cool and clearly a sign of the professional, excellent coaching you’d receive if you stop into Amarillo Strength & Conditioning to train with them. Add-in the fact that our newest member of the coaching staff, Good Ryan, is a trainer there and you’ve got yourself quite an opportunity for some great stuff. Good luck this weekend at your meet guys, make sure you let us know how it went for ya’ll.

    We also had a father/son team here this weekend. Steve is a college student at the local university and both he and his Dad worked hard all weekend while taking advantage of the opportunity to spend some time together doing something they both have a passion for. I especially liked the fact that Steve was keeping an eye on Dad’s weights so he would make sure he lifted at least the same amount, usually slightly higher than Dad. Oops, hope that wasn’t a secret Steve.

    Part of the fun of the whole weekend is reading the evaluation forms and hearing your comments from the weekend. There were many that resembled “HANDS DOWN, the best seminar I’ve ever been to” and those who believed that it was “definitely the most practically applicable seminar program I’ve participate in.” Of course I personally enjoy those who appreciate the “great staff instruction.”

    WE appreciate the time and money you’ve all spent in order to come hang with us for a weekend. We hope to see most of you again (I won’t mention names, you know who you are) in the coming year. Maybe at a Roundtable Event; another seminar; or Hellz…just come on down and train at WFAC. Keep your eye on the home page for more Starting Strength camps coming your way so you can fine tune your lifts with Starting Strength staff.

    And as always, keep us posted on how your coaching AND lifting is going.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    As always, a dern good time!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Random FYI for a particular attendee: the seminar did not go over on Saturday. The schedule is 8am-7pm on Sat, the 8-6 is Sun. I did get a bit confused over this assertion on Sat as being on time is not one of Rip's talents. So, hooray for Rip! (on that day at any rate)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    The schedule is 8am-7pm on Sat
    We actually finished 5 minutes early on Saturday. I know because I had the most awesome idea that; since we finished 5 minutes early; I had time to sprint the prowler around the block before dinner.

    Memo to me: don't do that. Rip had to drive my car to dinner while I dry heaved all the way to the Branding Iron. Uck.

    Last edited by jep6095; 12-09-2010 at 08:32 AM.

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