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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #1111
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Niki Sims View Post
    You know, you can still do calf raises, right?
    How do you think I built these cows? 5 sets of 20 each: toes pointed straight, toes pointed in, toes pointed out. Then the same on the leg press sled. Gainzzzz!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tobo View Post
    A two-plate press? I am still weeks away from a two-plate deadlift! Congrats :-)
    Thanks tobo-jam! (I don't know why I decided to nickname you after a Silly BS workout DVD thing, but there ya go. My mind works in mysterious ways.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Israel View Post
    Yaaaaaa buddy!!!!!

  2. #1112
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Decent day today, all things considered. Still not ready to squat but the last 2-3 days have seen a big improvement.

    Deadlift/Power Clean Combo
    95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 185
    Notes: 1 deadlift followed by 2 power cleans at each weight. Squeezed up like a mofo. Some might even say I GOT SQUOZE.

    Rack Pull
    275x4, 365x3, 455x1, 505x1, 555x5
    Notes: A-OK. I was scheduled to do rack pulls anyway today, not DLs, but they would have been at 590x5 if all had been well. And that would have been after 5 ascending squat singles going from 480 and finishing at 500. Ah well.

    185x5, 235x5, 275x5
    Notes: I don't think I've done RDLs since 2007 or so. That, in combination with my back, and I stayed light. Just wanted to get some work in today, I feel like my Tuesday/Fridays are getting nothing done right now.

    Then I messed around with empty bar power snatches for a few minutes. I haven't snatched regularly in years, and haven't at all in probably 18 months so just shaking a bit of rust off. Don't worry, there's plenty left.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 10-18-2013 at 03:31 PM.

  3. #1113
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Long Island, NY


    Nice to see you getting some work done, Wolf. Heading in the right direction for sure.

  4. #1114
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Brandon, MS


    Bro, do you even lift?

    Hey brother. Looking good on the lifts. Keep at it.

  5. #1115
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Thanks tobo-jam! (I don't know why I decided to nickname you after a Silly BS workout DVD thing, but there ya go. My mind works in mysterious ways.)
    Hah, had to look that one up!

    Interesting that DLs don't bother your back but squats do. [edit: I guess I should have said rack pulls, not DLs]

  6. #1116
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by John Petrizzo View Post
    Nice to see you getting some work done, Wolf. Heading in the right direction for sure.
    That's about all I can do for now. Probably shouldn't even be doing the rack pulls that heavy. It's hard to say "NO!" to myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by mwhities View Post
    Bro, do you even lift?

    Hey brother. Looking good on the lifts. Keep at it.
    Bro, do you even SS Forums? Where have you been?! Good to see you around again, in any case. Been lifting?

    Quote Originally Posted by tobo View Post
    Hah, had to look that one up!

    Interesting that DLs don't bother your back but squats do. [edit: I guess I should have said rack pulls, not DLs]
    I got hurt squatting, so this makes some intuitive sense. Even though I am still not sure how, why, or even exactly when it happened that day. I've watched all my reps from that day a few times and nothing sticks out as clearly "Oh, THAT'S what happened." But it's still more sensitive to squats than to anything else.

    I can pull off the floor OK, but am only doing so very light because rounding into even a little bit of flexion is a problem right now. As I said above, doing the 555x5 rack pulls was probably not smart but I have trouble with the off switch. However, beginning from the higher position of the rack pull definitely does take some pressure off the area. If I wasn't so stubborn, I'd probably have done 455x5 and walked away.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 10-19-2013 at 10:04 AM.

  7. #1117
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Solid squatting Wolf! Hope the back heals up quickly.

  8. #1118
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Well, I don't have the most experienced eye, but I would bet that it didn't happen on the squats you filmed from the back. This is an injury you've had before, though (I recall reading about it earlier in your log), so you could have been doing everything right and still reinjured the thing because there was older scar tissue there. But who knows--here's to it healing without incident from now on!

  9. #1119
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by tobo View Post
    Well, I don't have the most experienced eye, but I would bet that it didn't happen on the squats you filmed from the back. This is an injury you've had before, though (I recall reading about it earlier in your log), so you could have been doing everything right and still reinjured the thing because there was older scar tissue there. But who knows--here's to it healing without incident from now on!
    It's the same symptoms, just to a much less severe extent, that I had in 2011. That was caused by Deadlifting, at the SS Seminar, actually. It was a fairly light warm-up, and on one of the reps, something just went "pop" and that was it. MRI didn't show any cause or damage that would indicate the symptoms that I had. So I didn't get one this time, either, especially because it's so much less severe.

    So even though the cause (or at least the "what I was doing when it happened") is different, and the symptoms are much less pronounced, I'm operating the assumption that it's the same. And I suspect you're right. I could have done nothing we'd normally categorize as wrong, and it happened anyway. Just gotta wait it out; it'll heal.

  10. #1120
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Brandon, MS


    starting strength coach development program
    Not as much. I'm back though. I've lifted on and off as I could when I could.

    I posted this:

    I'm back up/at where I was when I last chatted with you. Meet in December that I'm currently training for. Hoping to open 455/135/315 (or more).

    Also trying to cut fat. Got sick a week ago, dropped 7+ pounds (scale goes to 340), after being sick, I was 334 and I'm now at 332 this morning. Getting sick has helped me to start (and want) to eat cleaner and smaller proportions.

    Anyways, about to watch your video. Thanks for the welcome back.

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