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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #2531
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Palmer View Post
    Great work. Heavier than I thought you would go this close to meet but sounds like you approached it with good discretion. Just get rested and taper from here on in and you will hit some great numbers at the meet. Please remind us, what is exact date of meet? Is it August 1st?

    Sounds to me that you have, at least, 655 on the DL waiting for you and 565 on the SQ. Maybe more on each lift. Your thoughts?
    Ya I wanted to do this two days ago on Friday, but I wasn't recovered enough yet. I think 13 days to recover will still be OK. The meet is Sunday, August 2 (it's a 2-dayer, some lift on the 1st). Right now I'm thinking 255/561 and 300/660 would be good numbers for squat and DL. Bench is still a wild card, but given that I signed up for this meet less than 5 weeks out and the pec thing, I'd overall be quite pleased with 255/175/300 (561/385/660 = 1606 total). Obviously will take what's there that day, but those are realistic third attempts if things go well.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 07-20-2015 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #2532
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    All of today's main squat and DL lifts:

  3. #2533
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    You are going to do great at this meet! I wish I was watching it and not lifting in it; so I could enjoy your realization of gainzzz even more.

  4. #2534
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Dwayne_KONG_Wint View Post
    You are going to do great at this meet! I wish I was watching it and not lifting in it; so I could enjoy your realization of gainzzz even more.
    Thanks Dwayne. I'm looking forward to competing together though - been almost two years since we did a meet together.

  5. #2535
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Light day today. I feel tired, sore, and tight today - as it should be.

    Squat Warmup - naked knees
    45x6x2, 95x5, 135x5, 175x5, 205x5 - mix of high and low bar
    Notes: Other than feeling tight and stiff, nothing to note.

    Press - loose belt + wraps at heaviest weights
    45x8, 95x8, 135x6, 155x6, 170x6
    185x5, 200x3, 210x3 @8, 185x5, 135x10
    Notes: Worked, mostly unsuccessfully, at the double layback. This is the only thing I did today that could really be called work at all.

    Ring Rows
    BW x8x3
    Notes: Set these pretty low. I like chins better. Hopefully I can do them again after the meet. But I do think they're a catalyst in irritating this pec thing.

    C2 Erg
    Various light rowing intervals, I think 7 in total.

    Rolled and did various mobility stuff before and after.

  6. #2536
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN


    Looking good, Wolf. Tear it up at the meet.

  7. #2537
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by KyleMask View Post
    Looking good, Wolf. Tear it up at the meet.
    Thanks Kyle.

    Today was a glorified warm-up. Erectors are still absolutely torched. Fried. Zapped. Etc.

    Squat - rehbands
    45x5x2, 135x3/3, 185x3/3, 225x2/2, 265x2/2, 295x2/2, 315x2/2
    Notes: / is paused low bar and then high bar. Planned to go heavier but my erectors were just on fire so decided to stop there.

    Bench Press - beltless, ~2" narrower than current normal grip (about 1" wider than Monday)
    45x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 265x5
    Close Grip
    265x5, 225x5
    Notes: Widened out a bit and all felt fine. I'm not practicing paused as much as I'd like because that does seem to irritate the thing more, so what I do at the meet will be variable. I'll probably open at 160 and just see from there. 160/170/175 would be more than fine considering the circumstances, but I'm not ruling out more. Or less. With so little paused practice and a dearth of heavy benching leading into it, I just don't know.

    RDLs and Power Cleans
    Did some random sets and combos and clusters here with 95, 115, and 135. Most of the PCs were from high hang or just below knee. Hope this helps erector recovery, I do want to do some heavier squatting and snatch grip DLs tomorrow.

    Really, the most productive thing I did during training time today was to oil my two B&R bars in between sets of the RDL/PC stuff.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 07-23-2015 at 03:24 PM.

  8. #2538
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA


    You crushed those deads! When are you competing?

  9. #2539
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Bickford View Post
    You crushed those deads! When are you competing?
    Thanks Matt. I lift on Sunday, August 2nd - a week from this Sunday.

    Erectors still tired but MUCH better today than yesterday. However - and I wasn't going to mention this in my log but it affected today's training so will give an explanation - I actually did tweak something while DLing on Monday. It appears to be my left QL, but I'm not 100% sure. It's relatively minor, started irritating me later Monday night and was definite when I woke up Tuesday. I think it'll be fine or mostly fine by meet time, but it's definitely there affecting things in a small way right now. Given that Wolf's disease is a thing, I'd almost be more worried if I was fine leading up to the meet, in trepidation of the Barbell Gods unleashing something worse AT the meet. A small back tweak and pec tweak, that I can deal with.

    All that said, today's work:

    Squat - belt + XXL SBDs
    355x4, 375x4, 385x4x2, 365x4x2 - none really reached any RPE.
    Notes: Erectors were much, much better here than yesterday. A little tightness and fatigue but so much better than yesterday. I still felt overall systemic fatigue while doing these, but all sets were easily completed feeling like I had 4+ reps in the tank, with 3-5 mins rest.

    Bench Press
    Ramped fives all the way up to warm up. Then:
    275x5, 305x5 @8
    325x3, 345x3 @8/9 (looked/felt), 355x2 @9
    295x5 @8
    Notes: Expected this to be easier. Experimented with a wider grip of only about 1" narrower than my normal grip. Felt ok on the pec, but my bar path groove wasn't good there, making the 355 set harder. I'm glad at the seeming speed of healing, but a little disappointed at the difficulty here. Wanted to do some paused reps but decided to give it another few days to heal. I'll do paused rep testing Monday to see how it feels and where I'm at with pausing; 6 days out is more than enough time for my currently lighter than normal bench to recover before the meet.

    SGDL - belt starting at 345, DOH till 365 then straps
    135x5, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 345x3, 365x3x2 @ 5.5, 6
    Notes: Started off not feeling great about these at 135, my back tweak was a bit irritated. I narrowed my grip about 2 inches from my usual SGDL grip so it was quite narrow for a "snatch grip" DL. But between that and doing more sets, my back really loosened up and felt better by the end. I had planned today to be a heavy SGDL day of somewhere in the neighborhood of 485-505x3 for a top set. I can still do that Monday if my back is well enough by then, which it may be. I usually recover perfectly well from SGDLs of that weight and volume 3 days later for heavy DLs on Friday. Given 6 days of recovery, a 500x3 @6.5 set on Monday should be fine as a back-off after working up to either my opener or last warm-up on regular DL.

    Press 1.0 - Strict with no stretch reflex
    95x3, 125x3, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3
    Notes: Did these between sets of SGDL, since both were light. Held the bar like the old style press, across my shoulders and upper chest, and did all reps from a strict dead stop. I just wanted to get some light pressing in to keep my shoulders happy and keep the movement grooved; did it this way so it would seem a bit harder with these light weights.

    C2 - 25/75 x 8
    After 1 warm-up, the remaining 7 were all 1:40-1:45. I felt pushing these might irritate my back, but wanted some conditioning. Kept it light and easy.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 07-24-2015 at 05:55 PM.

  10. #2540
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Dress rehearsal in the super sexy singlet tonight - was eh. Not bad but not great. Back tweak is healing slower than expected; I thought since it was minor that it would heal faster but that doesn't seem to be happening, and I may have done more DLing than was wise tonight. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. My right knee was also very uncooperative tonight and basically hurt the whole time. Threw me off on squats quite a bit and even on DL a little #whining. Now I have 6 days to recover and get everything sorted out.

    Squat - belt + XXL SBD
    Full Warm-up to opener:
    45x6x2, 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 375x2 - all beltless
    425x2 (loose belt), 465x1 (belt from here on out), 495x1, 522.5x1 @9.25 - planned opener
    Then walkouts: 555 and 585 x 10 seconds each
    Then: 445x3, 385x5, 355x5
    Notes: My right knee was really bugging me here, and the result was that I was, despite myself, not getting my knees forward soon enough. This resulted in the inevitable knee slide and lack of tightness at the bottom, because they need to go forward eventually and if you don't put them there yourself, the weight will smush them there. And that's exactly what was happening. So my 237.5/522.5 felt like a slightly harder than desired second attempt instead of opener. What can you do, hopefully 6 days of rest with just 1 lighter session in there will help, and I will work on it manually as well in the meantime. I still hope to go 237.5/247.5/255 but if it's not there that day, it'll be there in the future. This meet is primarily to get some USAPL specific experience, and I need to keep that in mind.

    I did a little more back-off work than usual because I've been doing higher volume, responded well to it, and don't want to take toooooo long after the meet to get back to where I was. Should be light enough to not be a problem.

    Bench Press
    285x5, 315x5 @7.5
    Paused: 335x1, 355x1, 367.5x1, 375x1, 315x4
    CGBP - 275x5
    Notes: Pec felt OK throughout, which is the main thing. Used a grip about 1.5-2" narrower than usual. I was thinking of 160 for an opener, which is 352 - and 355 went up really well. So I kept going, figuring my bench has been undertrained lately and can handle a bit more work and still recover by Sunday. 367.5 was ok, then 375 was about like a 3rd attempt. 315x4 was easy afterwards, and 275x5 close grip was a breeze. Attempts at 160, 167.5, and then 170-175 seem reasonable. Can't help but be disappointed that I won't be going for something in the 190 range, as I probably would if this pec thing hadn't come up twice in the past few months, but that'll come with time too.

    Power Clean Warm-up
    135x2, 165x1, 185x1, 205x1
    315x3, 405x2 - DOH
    (Put on belt) 475x2 - hook
    525x1, 565x1 - alt grip (torn callus area is still finishing healing, didn't want to disrupt it - and good practice in case I need to pull Alt at the meet)
    Snatch Grip DL
    495x3 @7.5 - straps
    Paused DL
    405x3 - straps
    Notes: Back felt pretty good during warm-ups, but I could feel it affecting the lift at 525 and 565. 565 felt more like 615. Hopefully the rest will help here, too. I think this was due much, much more to the back tweak than still being fatigued, so whether I get 300/660 at the meet will depend how my back heals up and feels that day. SGDL back off was OK - first rep slow, then faster, then even faster. If my back is feeling good, my attempts will probably be 275/290/300. If not they'll obviously be lower, subject to how I feel; something like 265/280/285-290.

    Overall it's so hard to know what to expect because so much depends how my knee and back cooperate that day. At least my pec seems ok. Can't make up the missed training time but it's nice not to have to worry about whether it'll withstand benching. I'd like to do 255/175/300 (561/385/660). I think that even on a bad day I'll still get 247.5/170/285 (545/374/627), which would be a bit disappointing but not terrible. We shall see.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 07-27-2015 at 08:47 PM.

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