Blew it today. Was feeling under-recovered from my lift Tuesday: lack of sleep, a bit too few calories, and one less day than usual between a 5x5 volume day and a 1x5 intensity day. But I still went for it because I figured my heavy set of 5 today is still a ramp-up to what I was doing pre-back injury, so I thought I could do it despite the lack of recovery. I was wrong.
45*5*3, 135*5, 235*3, 315*2, 395*1, 435*4 (failed 5th rep).
Squat Notes: I should have grinded (ground?) it out. I could have grinded it out. But I forgot my testicles at home. My nose also started bleeding mid 5th rep and that threw me off a bit too. I also used the god damn communist 35lb plates, which probably adds like 100lbs to the weight of gravity. My fault.
In hindsight, feeling the way I did (under recovered) I probably should have waited till tomorrow, hit 3 heavy-ish singles, and then resumed normal schedule Monday. But I still could and should have finished the 5 reps today. I will CRUSH this next week and be at 475*5 soon.
45*5, 85x5, 125x3, 165x1, 200x1x10 (10 singles).
Press Notes: Easy. I have recently noticed this old guy at the gym pressing 135 and benching 205. Not amazing numbers, but he looks to be in his 70's and has a big gut. I started speaking to him Tuesday and it turns out he's not just ANY old guy. He's a cool old guy who used to compete in O-lifting in the 60’s. He says competed in some of the same meets as fucking BEDNARSKI!
He came up to me and gave me some suggestions for the Olympic Press. I’m not sure they fit into the Starting Strength Model of the Press 2.0, but I’m gonna give them a think-through.
Power Cleans
95x3, 115x3, 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 195x3
PC Notes: Super easy. Didn’t do more since it was my first time cleaning since back injury. I’ll be back to triples at 110kg soon, and then up to 125kg for 3.
Rowing Intervals
200m/1:30 rest x 4 @
1:49, 1:46, 1:43, 1:40 paces
Pretty easy, but LEGS were getting tired, not lungs. This is another hint why my squats failed today.
Not sure what you mean by a write-up here. I really got to disliking the mixed grip as well, but not sure what you mean by write-up on the hook.