Awesome stuff as always!
Hahahah to the chiropractor story!
Awesome stuff as always!
Hahahah to the chiropractor story!
Hell ya Oldster! That CGBP is enviable - awesome "warm up."
Hey thanks, fellers! JC, I believe I would be a bit more of the former than the latter!
Close grip bench
Military press
170x3 sets of 5
Tbar row
Ab wheel
15 kneeling
8 standing
A bit disappointed in my close grip experiment. Thought for sure today would be 3 sets of 5 with 355 but didn't even try a 5th rep it was so far away. So played around with some heavier stuff. My eye is still on 335x10 and 375x5. Just have to keep my nose to the grindstone and my eye on the prize.
Last edited by Oldster; 06-24-2013 at 01:10 PM.
How in the world do u get thru BP and then do military. i've tried doing overhead presses right after bench and i drain away. Ol'ster i guess where ur at in the game u've seen your highs and now ur concentrating on reps at various poundages? what number of reps do u attain before eyeing the reps of a higher poundage? 10 reps?
I can only press overhead after benching, or doing some other sort of pressing movement, SI. Otherwise my shoulders just won't take it. It really doesn't bother me that it costs me overhead poundages, I really don't like the military! Only do 'em for my shoulder health.
I tend to focus on high(er) reps for a time and then lower reps for a time. Probably spend more time with low reps since I can recover from them much easier than high rep stuff. So I don't have any specific number of reps I'm looking to hit, instead I use it as a diversion from the really heavy low rep work.Ol'ster i guess where ur at in the game u've seen your highs and now ur concentrating on reps at various poundages? what number of reps do u attain before eyeing the reps of a higher poundage? 10 reps?
Thanks Ed,I hope so. That 385 felt like a ton today as did most of the other sets except 365 and 375. They felt pretty good.
Taking off on a 10 hour trip for 4 days for a wedding. Had to scramble to get through a brief lift this morning in about 15 minutes. No squatting, tweaked my back badly a couple days ago and it still hasn't settled down.
18" Close grip
Ab wheel
15 kneeling
5 standing
Congrats on your #1 ranking on this board so far. At least until Gillian show up, haha.
Thanks Steve, but you were right! First I thought "drat, beaten by a girl". The I realized "drat, beaten by THE girl again"!
18" close grip
175x3 sets of 5
Tbar Row
Ab wheel
15 kneeling
7 standing
Man, weaker'n a kitten this morning. All this terrible heat that I haven't been used to is kicking my butt. We went from high 60's when we left for the wedding to 109 during the wedding and it was outside in the heat. Then come home to 95 degrees. So everything felt terribly heavy today. The 395 close grip was very very slow. VERY slow...
Gotta get to work. Today is our 35th wedding anniversary and we are renewing our vows up here this afternoon. My lifting partner is also a Preacher so he'll be officiating the whole show. A dozen or more people and I'll be BBQing all afternoon getting ready. Plus, I have 4 acres I need to mow first and it is deep. Mow it or bale it....hmm....... I only have to push about 1/2 acre of it though.