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Thread: Karl's Not Doing Jack 5/3/1 log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Karl's Not Doing Jack 5/3/1 log

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    I did SS for about a year, until the squatting got too much for me. I'm a geezling (41), and was having recovery problems. I wasn't smart enough to figure out my Texas Method percentages, so I have been doing 5/3/1 for the last year. I've got 5 kids, and have limited time, so I do a two-day split, without assistance exercises. I know that's probably not ideal, but I also know that it is working for me, and if a program is working, I'm not going to change it.

    Age: 41
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 242 today
    Squat 1rm: 420
    Deadlift 1rm: 430
    Bench 1rm: 400lbs

    Press: 5x155, 5x180, 5x200
    Deadlift: 5x275 5x315 5x360. Felt very good--I thought I had a groove.

    Wednesday (today):
    Squat: 5x290 5x335 5x380
    Bench 5x255 5x295 5x330
    Chinups with 35lbs, 4x3

    I can't believe the results so far. Thanks to Mark Rippetoe.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Press and Deadlift day

    Not counting warmups:

    Deadlift 3x295, 3x335, 3x380. I wanted to try to do more than three, but wasn't feeling very well this morning.

    Overhead Press: 3x165, 3x190, 1x215! Failure! Have to reset. I added 2 more singles at 215, and then 3x185 to get some volume.

    I hate resets.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Bench and Squat day.

    The good news: Bench (not counting warmups) 3x275, 3x310, 3x350. The last rep seemed like it took a minute to clear the supports, but I got it.

    The bad news: Squat: 3x315, 3x360, 2x405 (fail!). Crap. Couldn't do the last scheduled rep. I hate resets, but I think next month I will have to do both Squat and Overhead press. I could blame it on a few things. I had an earache that kept me up all night, and I've added conditioning in since I hit my 400lb bench, so progress should be slower, but those are excuses.

    I did some chinups too, with a 35lb weight around my waist. Sets of 5, 4, 4, then bodyweight x 8.

    Best news: I'm planning to go to the seminar in Milwaukee!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Father's Day in my garage, lifting heavy things!

    Deadlift: 5x315, 3x360, 2x400. That's good. I tried a little bit wider stance, and it popped up easily.

    Press: 5x180, 3x200, 2x225. I was supposed to do 1, but got 2. I now have a decision to make: in my next cycle, do I reset the press or not? I failed last week after the first rep at 215. But I could blame it on illness, and use the 2 reps this week as proof that I'm still making progress. Hmm. . . .

    By the way, I got my Best Belts belt. It's very cool! I just need to mow my lawn for conditioning work, and it's a good day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Oh, here's my prowler substitute:

    If you sprint behind one of these things, the heartrate goes up very quickly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011


    So it's the end of this cycle of 5/3/1. Today was a pretty good day.

    Squat: 5x335, 3x380, 1x425. The last set was very slow, but I did it, and it's a new PR for me. This makes my unofficial total 1255, which is good, since I started the year at 1035.

    Bench: 5x295, 3x330, 1x370. I might have been able to do two on the last set, but my mind was wandering and I thought I had better not. It felt pretty easy, though.

    Chinups, BW+35. Sets of 5, 3, 2. Not very good. I'll blame it on the 98 degree garage.

    Tabata protocol on the old Nordic Track for conditioning.

    It's been a mixed cycle. I failed on squat and press in week 2, and didn't feel that strong today on the squat. I think I may go up 5lbs on bench and press (because I redeemed myself with a double in week 3), 10lbs on deadlift, and not go up at all on squat. I probably won't take the deload week, since I'm feeling pretty good. I figure with the "I ain't doing jack shit" template, deloads are less necessary, and I've been making lots of progress without them. Don't fix what isn't broken, right?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011


    New day, new 5/3/1 cycle. I got all my reps yesterday, but only just barely. I hate 5s!

    Press: 160x5, 180x5, 205x5. Deadlift 280x5, 325x5, 365x5. My hands were hurting throughout the last set, but I got through it.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Squat Day!

    Trying to get my lifting in before the mercury hits 100.

    Squat: 290x5, 335x5, 380x5. This is the same weight I did last week. I'm getting used to my new Best Belts belt and am trying to tweak my form, keeping the weight off my elbows and doing a full Valsalva for the rep. 25 years ago when I first learned to lift weights I was told to exhale while pushing, and I still fall into that habit sometimes.

    Bench: 255x5, 295x5, 335x5. Benching is easy. I wish I could deadlift as easily.

    Note: Nobody has yet commented on my log. You could be the first!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Boom! I'm the first. Impressive pressing dude. So why the 'not doing jack' route?
    Edit: I just thought to read your earlier posts, which explained that. Never mind...
    Last edited by Jonathan S; 06-27-2012 at 01:33 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan S View Post
    Boom! I'm the first. Impressive pressing dude. So why the 'not doing jack' route?
    Edit: I just thought to read your earlier posts, which explained that. Never mind...
    Just consider me an experiment: do you really need to do assistance exercises?

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